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i'm 13 years old and i just became a vegetarian!

i was wondering what foods i could eat so i wouldn't be all protien-deprived and stuff =].




  1. Congratulations! Now you should get aquainted with nuts, beans, and rice.

    Those should be staples in a veg*n diet.

    Since your new to this, check out these websites:

    These will give you some good veg*n basics and some good recipes.

  2. Congratulations on becoming a vegetarian. I am 14 years old, and I went vegetarian when I was 13 as well. I eat a lot of tofu, beans, eggs, nuts, vegetables and fruits. Search around for some yummy vegetarian recipes. There are plenty out there. Goodluck!

  3. soy beans, milk, tofu and eggs

  4. Soy Beans, that's a good one. For meat, if you like Hamburgers, there's boca burgers.

    Tofu, you can do SO many things with this. Seriously.

    Soy Milk/Rice Milk, they are usually more nutritious than regular milk, and you're not drinking a cows fake pregnancy milk~

    Vegetables/Fruits, a lot of these, because they are good for you.

    Other beans, believe it or not beans are insanely good for you. High in protein too! :D

    Potato's, starchy, but they do have some things your body needs.

    Hope that helps! :D

  5. beana, nuts, vegetables, and milk

  6. Peanut butter and fake meat products like bean burgers, chick'n nuggets and patties, taco "taco meat", and regular ground style.  Also consume around 16 oz. of soy milk every day.

  7. this is not question this may only feel by  you , mentaly or physicaly that you are better then past. this also not question what have to eat becouse life is not for eating but eating is for save life only to do IMPORTANT JOBS

  8. I'm 13 and a vegetarian too i've been one since october 4th and i'm so glad i changed. i eat luna bars. they have a lot of protien if ur not into beans and cabage and peanut butter like i am (my mom calls me a bad vegetarian because of this haha) but it works look on line (search google vegetarian web sites or recipies or teen vegetarians i found a  lot this way) i get weekly emails from some websites with recepies that are pretty good. where i live there's a store called everything natural i shop at also the organic section of wegmans (if u have a wegmans or it's called something else) cliff bars are a good sorce of protien also including peanut butter. try different types of "meat" ( fake meats) i actually have had fake burgers chicken turkey ham and other things. most natural stores have these products i also take vitamin b pills (for other resons) but it also has a suppliment in it with lots of protien so i take that good luck and if u have any questions u can e-mail me at

  9. Protein should not be an issue, unless you're just not eating enough food, or you're consuming most of your calories in the form of junk food.  Protein is the building block of life, meaning it's practically everywhere.

    Vegetarians get their protein from:

    Soybeans and soy foods (tofu, tempeh, edamame, fake meats)

    Beans and other legumes (peas, peanuts, lentils, chickpeas)

    Grains and grain products (even foods lumped under the category of "carbs" like pasta, bread and rice have protein)



    Vegetables (especially dark green vegetables)


    Fruits (although to a lesser extent)

    Dairy products


    Here is a link with some information about protein:

    A book I always recommend to new vegetarians is "(The New) Becoming Vegetarian" by Brenda Davis and Vesanto Melina.  Both authors are registered dietitians and the book is very thorough coverage of vegetarian nutrition.  It even has a chapter dedicated to the needs of teen vegetarians, since you're still growing.

  10. Here is a list of foods that contain protein:


    black beans

    brown rice


    garbonzo beans

    kidney beans


    lima beans

    peanut butter

    pinto beans




    sunflower seeds

    textured vegetable protein


    veggie dogs & burgers


    cottage cheese

    Hope I helped :)

  11. You wouldn't be protein deprived anyway.  Protein is pretty much in everything.  You can eat anything but meat (includes fish and chicken).   Get the book called Vegetables Rock!  It's great for new teen vegetarians.
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