
Vegetarian "Pollo" Saltado recipe?

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Many years ago, I used to order Pollo Saltado from a local peruvian restaurant and it was one of the best dishes I have ever tasted. Has anyone made this by substituting quorn pieces? What recipe did you follow?




  1. Vegan Pollo Saltado


    vegetable oil

    1 medium size vegan chicken (or 3 cups of strips) seitan is really good or tofu that is chicken like or boca chicken burgers, or morngiing star vegan strips cut up

    2 lg onions; sliced medium thick

    2 lg garlic; sliced in strips

    7  jalapeno chiles

    2 lg green or red peppers; diced 1 cm

    15 ml white wine vinegar

    1/4 ts ground oregano

    1/4 ts ground cumin

    salt, to taste


    1. Heat oil in skillet over medium-high heat. Pat-dry vegan chicken pieces and brown quickly on both sides, about 10 minutes per side. Remove vegan chicken pieces to large casserole.

    2. Add onions, garlic, jalapenos and green peppers to remaining oil in skillet. Lower heat to medium and saute mixture until tender, about 5 minutes. Remove and add to casserole.

    3. Add vinegar, oregano, cumin and salt to casserole. Simmer, partly covered, until tender, about 40 minutes, stirring vegetables halfway through. Serve with rice, tortillas and green salad.

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