
Vegetarian recipes...??

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I just went vegetarian and nobody in my family is vegatarian and idk what to eat so i want some good recipe for snacks..lunch and dinner... ive been looking on websites and most of the stuff i see either looks gross or has stuff in/on it i dont please help idont like any vegtables except potatoes and ..corn and green beans i like any type of fruit and ya..oh yeah also how do u get the vitamins u would normally get from meat????/




  1. I like fried vegetable n tofu. Before fry mixing with vegetables, powder sliced tofu n fry both side of tofu...

  2. If you don't mind Asian Veg recipes, check it out at my blog with photo :

    It had close to 500 recipes, just ignore those items that you don't like :)

  3. You should be taking a multivitamin.  Especially as you're getting the hang of this vegetarian nutrition/cooking thing, it's a good backup.  You need to make sure you're getting enough B vitamins and iron.

    If you still eat eggs and dairy, you can get a bunch of your protein from eggs and things like cottage cheese or yogurt.   Also, nuts are good for protein ( though they tend to also be high in fat.)  

    How do you feel about tofu?  That's another important food for vegetarians.  

    Legumes (like beans and lentils) and whole grain (eg. whole wheat bread or brown rice) are also a good combination for vegetarians.  I don't know if that falls in the category of vegetables you don't like.

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