
Vegetarian seeking new recipes, any ideas?

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I am a vegetarian and I am bored with what I know how to cook. Does anyone have any simple and quick vegetarian recipes?




  1. Check out raw foods. They are really really easy to prepare recipes, made from fresh ingredients, and take only a few minutes to whip up since they are raw. has some great recipes.

    You can find basic veg*n recipes at, or and they have some raw ones there too I think.

    Or, you could go to your local Barnes and Noble and grab a cookbook. Check out Ani Phyo, Gabriel Cousens, and Matt Amsden for some really simple, delish recipes!

  2. Here are some recipes


    Beans (vegetarian)

    Red beans and rice

    Itailen pasta

    Mushrooms and rice

    Vegetable soup

    Nachos (read the ingreadients alot of cheese dips in the stores have lard)

    Rice buritos just make some new orleions rice (buy it in the store as far as it looks it's vegetarian) then fry a toteya (spelled wrong) and wrap it up.

    Boca burger and boca meat (it is a subsitute for meat and it's made with soy beans)

    French fries

    Fruit salad

    Baked potatoes

    All kinds of pastas

    Penut butter celery

    Grilled corn on the cob

    Stuffed pepers

    Stuffed mushrooms

    jaleopeanas (spelled wrong)


    Mozzeralla sticks

    Pizza with no meat



    Eggs rolls with no meat

    Colesla (spelled wrong)

    Potatoe salad



    Sunflower seeds






    Omlet (unless if you are a vegan)





    Water melons





    There are so many things. There are some free books too. I didn't think I was going to be able to quit either. I quit cold turkey though. Slowly stoppping meat is very bad because then you say well i want more and I'll quit tomorrow and then you never do .Peta has a lot of great tips too. Also what helped me to stop is going to and typeing in slaughter house and watching the videos. If you can hold out long enough being a vegetarian then the next time you try meat it won't digest very well.

    Hope this helps.

    Green beans

    Waxed beans

    Yellow poataoes


    hundreds of recipes you can find here, inspired by other vegetarians. hope this helps.

  4. bean burgers

    a can of chickpeas

    a small onion, chopped

    a clove of garlic, chopped

    1 tbsp of flour (whole wheat or white)

    1/2 tbsp of dried parsley

    desired amount of chili powder and paprika

    2 tbsp canola/olive oil

    mash chickpeas, and season with parsley/paprika/chili powder.

    chop onion/garlic and fry in 1 tbsp of canola until golden brown, mix in flour and stir (dont burn the flour) and again season with the parsley/chili powder/ paprika.

    put this mixture with the chickpeas and mash again.

    form this mixture into patties and fry in the other tbsp of canola oil

    these are the best!! i have them almost every day and they pack a lot of protein

  5. vegetated cow steaks

  6. Yes, yes, how about Asian, never mind even if you are not use to this cuisine, you can always have a look

    My recipes are kept at

    (over 450 and with picture too, simple and hassle free too )

    Only problem might be the ingredients like lemongrass or curry power, anyway, certain ingredients can be substitue or omit to come up with a new dish.  : )


  8. i made up this awesome recipie!:

    ingredients: a 4 oz. can of mushrooms, 1 potato, 1 veggie burger (patty), margerine/butter

    1. in a blender, blend up the veggie burger patty.

    2. in a bowl, combine the mushrooms and blended patty

    3. put this mixture in paper-lined muffin pans.

    4. boil the potato. then blend it in the blender until it is like mashed potato.

    5.put that in the muffin tins, and spread it around as a topping on the mushroom/burger mixture.

    6/ bake in 375 degree, for 30 minutes or until the potato is turned brown.

    7. when it comes out, but enought butter and salt and peeper on top as you want.

    i made this and it tastes so good! even my mom, dad, sisters,and granmda love it too!


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