
Vegetarian turning vegan?

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I am a vegetarian and I might turn vegan. I have been a vegetarian for almost 4 years and am 14 how can I turn vegan and convince my parents?




  1. Show them how many vegan things are already out there for you to eat.

  2. Well you have to sit your parents down and make them understand your decision. If they don't support it, don't let them get to you. Just refuse to eat meat/dairy.

    A transition from vegetarian to vegan is pretty easy. I'll break it down for you.

    First week: Stop eating cheese

    second week: stop eating eggs and cheese

    third week: stop eating milk

    It's pretty easy. but also keep in mind, eggs and milk are also used in cakes, pies, and any other bread products.

    If you want to go fully vegan, you might want to go on a raw diet. That's what i've been doing :)

    Good luck!

  3. tell your parents that being vegan is like being vegetarian,

    but alot healthier.

    tell them that they're not going to spend loads of money for your food.

    since if you want to be a vegan,the only thing you can eat is basically fruits and vegetables and couscous.

    being a vegan will reduce the risk of heart attack.

    you'll feel better aswell. but if you're turning to vegan,do it slowly and progressively so your body won't be shock for the sudden change in your diet.

  4. When I was your age I flat out refused to eat dead animals.  What are they going to do?  Force-feed you?

    Just make sure to do lots of research so that you're not clueless on what you can eat.

  5. The biggest issue for many parents is the additional preparation and cost of true vegan foods.  People who say they're not more expensive are wrong.  For example, much processed food contains natural flavors.  These come from egg or protein products and cannot be eaten by vegans.  And they're everywhere - you can't even use regular ketchup.  

    There are definitely inexpensive items like dried beans - but someone has to prepare them.  So you need to make sure you're not asking your mom to take on extra work.

    But if you compare chicken parts to boca burgers, I guarantee the chicken is going to be a lot cheaper.

    So you need to cover these aspects of it, because organic ketchup DOES cost a lot more than basic heinz.

  6. First of all, congrats on your decision!

    There are many reasons to become vegan. If your parents ask why, here are a few reasons

    1) You will feel better if you do it right!

    2) It's healthier and makes you less prone to cardiovascular disease in the future and cancer

    3) Humans are not designed to eat high fat and high cholestrol diets. Our intestines and colon are more anatomically similar to herbivores and we are the only species that drinks another species milk (cow and goat) which is unatural.

    4) It's better for the enviornment

    5) If you have any compassion for other living things, you should not support the meat/dairy/egg industries and how they treat animals inhumanely.

    I'm sure your parents will support your decision. I wish you the best!

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