
Vegetarian/vegan at Purdue?

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Hey ! I will be attending Purdue University this fall, and I wanted to know what kind of vegetarian/vegan options they have available. On the site, they say that there are options, but I wanted to find out more information, which I couldn't receive from the web site.






  1. i haven't been there for years, but the last time i was there this is what i remember:

    they do have veg options, but expect to eat the same foods a lot.  lots of pastas, salads, that sort of thing.  there is enough to keep you going, but you might want to stock your own mini-fridge with more varied foods so you don't feel stuck in a rut with your diet.  don't get discouraged though, it's definitely doable.  hopefully they've stocked more veg choices since the last time i was there.  who knows, you may get there and have more choices than you know what to do with!

    EDIT:  it looks like their choices have gotten much better!!  here is a link to the page where they list many of their vegetarian and vegan offerings:

    Earhart Dining Court:

    The Souper Deli and the Gallery allow the customer to tailor their meal to fit their needs.

    Vegan Boca burgers are available on request at the Granite Grill.

    Hummus, pasta, legumes, and vegetarian salads are available at the Salad Stop.

    Soy milk is available at all meals.

    Ford Dining Court:

    A vegetarian pizza is available daily at Parmesan Tomato.

    Vegan Boca burgers are available on request at Legal Grease.

    Hummus and legumes are available at Thyme Square.

    Soy milk is available at all meals.

    Hillenbrand Dining Court :

    The Stack It Up Deli, the Dip It Station, and Creation Station allow the customer to tailor their meal to fit their needs.

    Vegan Boca burgers are available on request at the Third Street Grill.

    Vegetarian salads are available at the Leaf and Ladle.

    Soy milk is available at all meals.

    Windsor Dining Court:  

    Portobello Road is completely dedicated to the vegan and vegetarian diet!

    All other stations offer at least one vegetarian item.

    Vegan Boca burgers are available at Portobello Road.

    A pasta bar with vegetarian sauce is available at Soho Market.

    Vegetarian soups, hummus and legumes are available at Chelsea Garden.

    Soy milk is available at all meals.

    Meredith BoilerCrossing:

    Soy milk

    Amy’s entrees


    Paul Newman snacks

    Hummus and other vegan dips

    Stretch Island fruit snacks

    Fresh fruit and vegetables

    Frozen vegetables

    They have a great selection!! LUCKY YOU!!  I also thought you might find this is a link to an article about two Purdue students who invented a vegetarian version of jell-o!

    Enjoy your vegetarian friendly college life =)

  2. your best bet would be to call the school and get in contact with someone in the cafe they can tell you what kind of meals they serve there

  3. Purdue University is located much closer to Chicago, IL than you think, know as the "Hog butcher to the world." You really don't want to have to make your own food all the time. The school will put whatever they want mixed in with whatever the cook feels like making that day. You won't be veg no matter what you do, which is OK. For socializing and better study groups on campus, it is best to delay the whole trendy veg thing until you get out of school. Of course, by then, the trend will have passed.

  4. i agree with jumpingrightin by reading ur profile and seeing your composure here on Y/A i can confirm what he is thinking when he says you are just being trendy.

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