
Vegetarian/vegan debate.... Do you eat meat, dairy, etc? If you do, why. Why do you think it's good. And?

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if you don't why not? And also what do you eat to meet your nturitional requirements on a daily basis??




  1. I was a vegetarian for about 4 months and it sucked.

    I thought that it would make me lose weight but it didnt. I got bigger.

    I like meat a lot

  2. I'm a vegetarian with some vegan dietary preferences.

    I have not had meat in about 2.5 years, and have no issues whatsoever with that decision. I supplement my diet with a daily vitamin, eggs, nuts, tofu and beans.

    The average American diet includes way too much protein. It is near the top of the food pyramid, and yet every meal is centered around the meat. It always humors me when overweight people lecture me about protein deficiency.

    There's more protein, ounce for ounce, in my tofu than in your saturated-fat steak, buddy.  

  3. I'm vegetarian.

    I am perfectly healthy, and people always rant at me that the iron rich food I eat is maybe not as well absorbed as it would be if I ate animal flesh.

    My answer to that, is that one little disadvantage, does it make the entire world of animal murdering, slaughtering, ripping apart fair?

  4. I decided to be a vegetarian because I just don't like meat of any kind. I do eat eggs and dairy. I was raised eating meat and fish though, and to be honest it never really occurred to me that I didn't have to eat it if I didn't want to. I wish I had gone vegetarian years ago! It suits me. It definitely doesn't suit everyone. A lot of people dearly love meat and it would be so hard for them to give it up. I am that way with peanut butter! Life would be rough without it. LOL  And I don't look down on meat eaters at all....for me it's just a preference like anything else, not a statement of some kind.

    I plan my meals very carefully. I'm not bragging or anything, but my diet is probably more balanced nutritionally than most people I know, and they all eat meat. It can be done if you do your research and are smart about it.

    P.S.  Tofu is not my thing, I get my protein in yummier ways ;)

  5. No i dont eat meat,

    i eat dairy and wear wool and that stuff.

    I dont eat meat because i think its unethical that we are apparently given the right to eat animals when we get so worked up and put and animal down if they even hurt a human,

    They have as much right to live as us,

    yeah okay back a while ago we NEEDED meat, because we werent aware of iron substitutes, but now we can just have a pill or two to keep all the vitamins and other junk we need,

    Why eat them if we dont NEED to.

    i think the dairy and not wearing clothes from an animal is TOO far, most times it doesnt hurt the animal (i buy free range eggs and only stuff where animals are humanely looked after) and seriously.

    people need to sheer sheeps because they will die if they overheat.

    so why let the wool go to waste?

    But i dont believe in skinning animals for clothing.

    i wouldnt wear those. but wool is fine i rekon...

    Thanks for reading..

    Oh i eat nuts and lentels and that stuff, tofu, and i take iron tablets because i need to or ill get sick.. i have before.


  6. I do not eat meat. The reason why is that my parents are vegetarian and I was just raised that way. I don't think I could start eating meat even if I wanted to. As far as my nutritional requirements go, I think I eat a pretty balanced diet. I just eat lots of veggies, lots of grains, and a fair bit of soy. I don't really eat much dairy because I never really got used to the taste, but there are some cheeses I like to eat from time to time. People always ask me if I have a protein or iron deficiency, because apparently those are some of the problems that people face when they go vegetarian. But I think that because I've lived this way my whole life my body is just used to the amount of protein and iron that I take in.

  7. I eat meat. I really don't know why. I mean, I like the taste, but I can live without it. I mostly eat meat to keep the iron in my body. I have low iron so I have been getting in the habit of eating red meat and not just chicken. We eat a lot of chicken because 1. I have a family of ten and chicken seems to be the cheapest and 2. It is a meat that all of our children like! I don't eat a whole lot of dairy and neither do my children because I have, as well as my children, have some dairy allergies. We eat enough to fullfill our daily requirements! We try and get everything from a farm rather than a store. We get our animals from the local FFA. We trade our land for the pig and cow. We also have chickens.

  8. I'll start with I'm a meat eater. I don't believe there is anything wrong with eating animals. We are carnivores by nature. I think there are inhumane things done to animals when they are raised/slaughtered that should be prevented and to me that is a different topic than eating or not eating meat.

    There is nothing wrong with being a vegetarian/vegan.

    The biggest problem for people who don't eat meat is what they eat to get their protein.

    Protein is made up of amino acids. There are 20 common amino acids; 9 essential, 11 nonessential. Nonessential amino acids are ones that the body is capable of making itself. Essential amino acids are ones that the body cannot make itself, therefore you must eat them.

    Animal proteins are complete proteins because they have all 9 of the essential amino acids in them.

    Plant proteins (vegetarian/vegan diet) are incomplete proteins. This means that you must eat a combination of plant proteins to get all 9 essential amino acids into the body for use.

    Plants are broken down into 3 different groups according to the essential amino acids that they contain (or do not): legumes, nuts and seeds, and grains.

    To get a complete set of amino acids these foods need to be eaten in combination with their complementary counterpart.


    nuts and seeds with legumes

    or grains with legumes

    * nuts and seeds cannot be combined with grains to get all 9 essential amino acids.*

    Hopefully you like beans if you are a vegetarian (peanuts are actually legumes)

    The combination of proteins from plant sources need to be eaten at the same time/meal.

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