
Vegetarian/womenly question?

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so im a vegetarian and i have been my whole entire life, im 14 now. my period is acting really weird. i got it lke 3 years ago so i no it should be on schedule now and not like rocky. but this started this years in the beggining of the year i didnt get it for like 2 and a half monthes, then towars the middle id get it like every 20 days and now im startin to not get it for like 2 monthes again. someone said its cause im a vegetarian which i dont see why cause ive bene one my whole life?




  1. No, it's not because you are a vegetarian.  It's VERY common for young women to have irregular periods.  They will get more regular as you get older.  I repeat: it has nothing to do with you being a vegetarian and anyone who tells you that is seriously misinformed.

  2. Maybe you havent been getting as much to eat as you should lately. Lack of nutrition can definitely mess up a cycle.

    Changes in your menstrual cycle should definitely be looked into by a doctor, especially if it's been acting up for this long of a time.

    Good luck!

  3. I'm 15 and I've only been a vegetarian for about half a year now..

    You should talk to your doctor, because I'm not sure, and after 3 years.. yeah you should talk to your dr.  

  4. I'm not a woman, but I'm a father of daughters. Seems i've gone through this before. If you are concerned and you obviously are then you must make an appointment to see your doctor. That's why they get paid high wages, they are there to help you. One thing that is not a good idea is to ask questions on here, and worse, start looking it up on the Internet. Tomorrow first thing phone your doctor and have a chat with him.....ok?  

  5. As long as you get enough protein and vitamins in your diet you are fine and I suspect you do as you have been vegetarian your entire life and have been fine.

    However, it does sound like your body is not normal as far as your periods go and you should consider seeing a Gynecologist. I know that is scary at your age but, if something is wrong getting treatment early is important. My one question is do you have bad cramps with your period, if you do...then that too is not normal (but, many people think it is) and that just strengthens your case for seeing a Doctor.

  6. definitely talk to a doctor. it might be that your not getting enough vitamin b 12, so if your not taking a supplement already, you should look into that. good vegan and vegetarian supplements can be found at remember: not all dietary supplements are vegetarian- especially ones for b 12

  7. It's not.

    some girls always have sporadic periods, and for some it takes awhile to calm down. It could also be if you exersise too much. You best talk it over with a doctor. They can pinpoint a problem, if there even is one, but I doubt it.

  8. You should go see a doctor.  Sometimes when a woman does not have a high enough body fat percentage their body doesn't produce enough hormones to regulate the cycle.  You need to go see a doctor though.

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