
Vegetarian world?

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have you ever wondered what the world would be like if we were all veges? what about all meat eaters? what are some pros and cons of each?




  1. well there wouldnt actually be much of a difference...where meat eaters pollute through animals...veggies would pollute through power generation or some other form...both worlds would be similar...however a vegetarian world would have more cities close together as they need lots of room to grow crops...and also the sheep, pig and cow would be all but extinct as there is no purpose for them

    there really wouldnt be a great deal you would notice

    to prove that vegetarians would pollute just as much as us...look at many times have we scrapped somthing that harms the environment only to harm it some other way...being cars, CFC's, nuclear power etc etc

    edit.mee you say other animals would regulate thier tell me what animal could kill a cow in scotland...we have no wolves or bears...we killed them so its our responsibility to regulate for them

  2. If we were all veggies:

    Pro: the world would be much cleaner and healthier place to live. More than 25 billion land animals will NOT be artifically borne & killed each year for human meat consumption, since everyone is a vegetarian! Global warming may be reversed since meat consumption is a heavy contributor to methane gases ( No more world hunger either. ( More world peace!

    Con: Not much.

    If we were all meat eaters:

    Pro: Not much.

    Con: Worse global warming, unhealthier people (i.e. obesity, heart diseases, cancers, osteoporosis, etc.), hungrier people, worse environment, more animal cruelty, etc.

  3. meat eaters would cause more wars

    vegetarians would encourage peace and realize the impact people have on the planet

    you cant go wrong being a vegetarian!

  4. From what I understand about the relationship of eating animals and the effect it has on the world, being a vegetarian would definitely be the most environmentally conscious choice.  It takes tons of energy and water to keep even one cow.  All those resources could be used for grain and other crops.  No, animals would not go extinct, nor would they overpopulate.  They would naturally regulate their existence by a balance of food available for themselves and the predator-prey relationship (we're not the only ones who eat cows and chickens).

    Cows also produce a lot of polluting gases, and that would help drastically reverse the process of ozone deterioration and have an overall effect on global warming.  The reason there are so many farm animals is because we force them to produce to the maximum possible number they are able to do.  If we stopped forcing it, they would not reproduce so much.

    If all humans were vegetarian, the world would be a much more cleaner and healthier place to live, and it makes a lot of sense.

  5. Animals like chickens would overpopulate. Well, maybe not because we do grow them to eat, so no. Um.... There would be lots of bony people around here.

  6. So, you think the world would be a better place if everyone were exactly the same? .... or just exactly like YOU?  ...  As an American, I prefer a world where everyone is free to choose to eat whatever they want.......
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