
Vegetarian:What is your opinion about Meat eaters?

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if your Vegan you can answer too

i just want to know what you think about meat eaters

feel free to write as much as you want




  1. Basically, I have no problem with "meat eaters" as long as they don't have a problem with me..which I don't see why they would.

    But I can't express how many times people have asked me why I'm a vegetarian, only so they can argue me on my own ethics. If you just say your a vegetarian, people will feel threatened or offended, when there is really nothing to feel offended about. It's just my personal choice. I think some people act this way because of lack of knowledge about it. If these people took the time to learn more about vegetarianism, they might understand better.

  2. I don't think it's my place to shun something human beings have been doing for thousands of years. I keep my mouth shut. I'm a vegetarian for environmental causes. In our modern world, we have enough mass produce shipped across the world, to give us all the nutrients we need without having to consume animal products. But this only began to happen in the past twenty years. Before then, that wasn't possible, and you would of had to get nutrients from dairy and meat.

  3. I find it weird how some say "eating a living, breathing thing" is horrible...yet plants were once living, breathing things that benefitted the earth. Is it not wrong to eat the veggies because they're easier to grow and we don't really think about all the input it took to make the veggies? Is it because we think that they don't have feelings, we have no problem ripping them out of the ground and eating them?


    I can understand it when they say that they can't eat meat because their body reacts violently to it(my mother can't eat beef -- if she does, she'll get a rash).

  4. they eat meat, i get veggies.  no difference.

    i'm not vegan cos i'm all for animal rights or anything like that, i'm simply the most fussy person you will ever meet when it comes to food and can't stand the idea of eating something that is animal flesh.

  5. i don't think negatively of them so long as said meat eaters are accepting of me.  it's all about tolerance.  

    giving up meat was a personal and spiritual decision for me....i can't expect that everyone would have the same emotional and spiritual outlook as i do.  do i wish they didn't eat meat? sure i do.  but i'm not going to think they're bad people if they don't.  everyone i know eats meat (my husband is working on going veg, but isn't fully veg yet)......i would have very few friends if i judged people for eating meat.  i try to be as accepting as possible in every situation.....just because i don't agree with someone's choices doesn't mean we can't be friends =)

    i do think that meat eaters are often uninformed about the vegetarian is frustrating to be constantly asked how you get protein if you are veg.  vegetarians don't go around asking people whether or not they eat their leafy greens to get iron, so why is it anyone else's business if we get enough protein or not (even though most of us do)?  there is a lack of understanding because of a lack of knowledge.

    however, i hate to generalize and lump people into a stereotype....some meat eaters are very aware of the vegetarian lifestyle, and i appreciate that.  some couldn't care less what we eat.....i appreciate that, too.  the only people that i can't stand are the ones who automatically judge me for a dietary choice.  oftentimes when i tell people i'm vegetarian i get teased and made fun of....i just don't think a person's diet is an excuse to treat them unfairly.  we all need to be tolerant of each other, whatever our lifestyle choices might be.  differences make the world interesting =)

  6. I have nothing against meat eaters since I used to be one. Who am I to judge someone because of what they eat, even if that same person judges me because I don't eat meat. I had to turn to a vegetarian lifestyle because my digestive system has difficulties processing the meat for my body and was making me very ill. My husband is a meat eater, but he'll also eat a lot of vegetarian meals that I cook as well. I'm a lot happier now that I don't eat meat and so is my stomach. I've done a lot of reading about vegetarianism and have found great recipes that are so delicious and a lot more healthy for you than recipes containing meat. By not eating meat I am also not eating all of the hormones they inject in them. Nor do I have to feel guilty about the animal that lost its life just so I can have a meal. Meat has slowly been diminishing in my household and I hope that someday I will not ever have to purchase it for my husband. It's just amazing how much one can do with the plethora of veggies and meat substitutes out there. Eating healthy never tasted so good.

  7. human we are all human no matter what that can make our own choices vegetarians,vegans,straight,g*y,L*****n,...

    to keep the record straight i only like males and i'm a vegetarian ok

  8. I try not to judge an entire group of people at once. Being black, that's happened to me way too many times for me to want to do that to a group that is "different" from me. I know what it feels like to be unfairly pegged.

    I try to know each person on an individual basis; I don't have one broad answer for your first question. I can, however, address the question on a more personal level and tell you what I think about the meat eaters who I happen to know personally.

    Most of the meat-eaters I know are nice folks. (friends, family, co-workers). My family could stand to be much healthier with their eating and exercising habits, but that is not a characteristic that I attribute to their staunch dedication to eating meat. I do think that eliminating or at least reducing their meat intake would help their overall health (currently, they are plagued by diabetes, high cholesterol, obesity, arthritis and so on. Studies have shown that more vegetables, fruit and fibre from non-animal sources can assist in alleviating the symptoms related to the aforementioned conditions).

    Ultimately, its their decision to eat what they eat....just like it's my decision to eat what I eat (or what I don't eat).

    My views on's just not for me. The suffering animals, the fat, the cholesterol, the hormones.....UGH. Eating something that was once living and breathing is not appetizing to me. (It gives me the willies, as a matter of fact).

  9. I loathe them. I look down on them with utter disgust. That's how it should be. I'm sorry, but I don't buy all the namby-pamby c**p that most vegetarians come out with when talking about meat eaters. Stop trying to be nice. Meat eaters need to know that what they're doing is wrong and unacceptable. Meat eating needs to be made socially unacceptable, just like smoking is. :)

  10. Well, I love my family who are meat eaters, I have friends who are meat eaters who I love to bits.

    I have family who are veggies and friends who are veggies and I love them too!

    Unlike some contributors in here, I do not judge people by what they eat, I judge them for the person that they are.

    Oh and I absolutely love and adore my cat who is a meat eater! =^..^= because he doesn't have a choice and I do.

  11. well I'm not vegetarian but i will say what i would f i were

    they are atrocious!

  12. Some are really accepting of vegetarians & vegans. Others are not very accepting.

    Everyone's different. My family & friends are mainly meat eaters, I love them for who they are.

    I think you should enjoy a diet that is right for *you*.

    I would not like anyone forcing me to eat meat, and I would therefore not expect the world to turn vegetarian. =)

    [edit] My opinion on meat is this. It *does* have some nutritional value, but I can find the nutrients elsewhere in plant foods.

    Meat is not for me, but I am powerless to stop anybody eating it. Just as nobody will make me eat meat, I cannot stop anybody eating it if they wish. I'm not preachy, but if anybody genuinely enquires about a vegetarian lifestyle I will happily inform them.

  13. I don't care what you or anyone else eats, I'm not going to judge you. But if you try and make me eat meat, then I will hate you.

    My family are all meat-eaters and I don't really care, I don't force them to become vegetarian or even talk to them about it. But if one of my friends or something tries to get me to eat meat, then I will probably not be their friend anymore.

  14. I think most people simply don't think about what they are eating, or don't want to. A vast majority of people aren't cruel, they wouldn't be able to kill the animal themselves, but lets face it, when you buy a slice of ham, it's easy not to link it up to the animal that was ill-treated and slaughtered.

    I do think people need to take the time to think though, and wonder if what they are doing is morally acceptable. I understand how people can come to not facing up to what they are doing (causing thousands of animals to die), but this is no excuse. Eating meat is unacceptable to me. The few minutes please people get out of eating a piece of meat simply isn't worth all the suffering and death its caused.

    As for those who are able to work in slaughter houses, those who raise animals and send them off to their death just to make money... I just don't get how people can be that empty.

    Go vegan!

  15. I'm vegan but i don't mind if anybody Else eats meat or dairy as long as it has nothing to do with me

    a lot of my friends are meat eaters and some vegetarians and i don't have different opions about either of them

  16. People make choices in their lives.

    I am vegetarian,my hubby isn't.

    You cannot put your belief on others,or expect them to not eat meat just because we veggies don't.

    What is it with meat eaters that think vegetarians actually care ?

    They seem to think we are all out to change the world.

    We all have to live with the choices we make.

    Meat eaters eat dead animals vegetarians choose not too for various reasons,mine is reasons of conscience

  17. "The livestock sector emerges as one of the top 2 or 3 most significant contributors to the most serious environmental problems.....of land degradation, climate change, air pollution, water shortage, water pollution and loss of bio-diversity.  The impact is so significant that it needs to be addressed with great urgency."

    i don't like to judge, but this is serious stuff.  when it comes to individuals such as yourself, i would have to say, you seem like an intelligent young man & very kind.  you i like as a person what you do withh your Karma (by eating meat) is your business.  your friend :)

  18. I don't look down on meat eaters.  My parents are and my children even eat meat once in a while.

    I wish they could see it the way I do though.  I feel like once a person knows what I know, or has seen what I have seen, that it is morally impossible to eat meat.

    Some people know what I know and they still do eat meat.  I think a person would have to feel really important to think that it's ok for animals to be tortured just so that people can eat what they like.  AND people can't play dumb.  Some people say they don't want to know.  How can they live their life that way.

    I just don't want animals to die in my name.  I refuse to have them suffer for me.  


    I think meat isn't just meat.  It represents suffering and cruelty.  It was a beautiful animal that lived a terrible life and suffered a terrible painful death.  Meat is something I want no part of.  It represents greed.

  19. Which ones in particular?

    Most of the people I like and most of the people I respect are meat-eaters; most of the people I love are meat-eaters.

    It's impossible to have an opinion of any group of people  - vegans, vegetarians, meat-eaters - based on their diet, unless you're a bigot.

    Just as with veg*ns, meat-eaters have a diverse range of personalities, opinions, ideas, views and attitudes.

    I'm vegan because I choose to minimise my personal contribution to animal suffering. I don't judge anyone who hasn't made the same choice; I'm more interested in how they treat people.

  20. How can anyone have a collective opinion on 95% of the population just because of what they eat ? They, like me, are all individuals with different behavioural and attitude attributes. Its daft to comment on them as one mass of people.

    For example, my opinion of Osama bin Laden differs to my opinion of my mum. I suspect they are both meat-eaters.

    "wahoo10001'" is making a bit of an assumption that the answers are going to be negative. Isn't that EXACTLY the type of sterotyping that causes the discriminate you mention ? The question does NOT give a "reason" to look down on people. Its an open question, inviting answers whatever they are.

  21. meat eaters are 95% of the population.

    (meat eaters are ok when they dont post stupid questions in the vegetarian section.)

  22. Scientifically, meat eaters are known to express more anger, bad-tempered and more prone to certain diseases. But the vegetarian diets have pro's and contras too. Sorry to say, I hate Vegans !!!

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