
Vegetarianism/Veganism and Children

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Ever since I was about 9 years old I refused to eat meat due to ethical reasons; my mum respected my view and always cooked alternative meals for me. I think I am just as healthy as a meat eater but what do you think?

1. How old were you when you decided to become a vegetarian?

2. At what age should the parents take their children's ethical views into consideration?

3. Do you think parents should have the right to decide what their children MUST eat for nutrition reasons regardless of the childs view on ethics?

4. Have you ever refused letting your child become a vegetarian/vegan thinking they may become malnourished etc?




  1. 1) Somewhere around age 18 or 19, but I stopped being a vegetarian 2.75 years later, and don't regret my decision. Meat seems to really help me as a bodybuilder/weight-lifter.

    2) If my daughter is old enough to voice an ethical concern, then she's ready to have a discussion about it with me. I feel obligated to listen.

    3) Yes to a point. I think if parents are the ones doing the cooking, they can adopt and attitude of "Well you don't have to eat what I am cooking, but I'm not going to change it." But that mentality usually goes for one specific dinner, after it's already being made. If my daughter wanted to stop eating meat, I'd eventually adjust to that, and make meal plans around that.

    This would be very hard, because she can't have much dairy already, and she has a gluten allergy. (She is limited in what she can eat a lot already.)

    4) Refuse? No, I would not to that. However, as someone who was a vegetarian and noticed positive health results when switching back to eating [healthy, lean] meat, I would try to talk her out of being a complete vegetarian.

  2. I've been a veggie since I was 13 because I love animals hated the thought of them being slaughtered for food. My parents were very supportive because they'd both been veggies but that was when there weren't many alternatives to meat and fish so they gave up.

    It didn't affect my health at all because I and my parents knew about healthy alternatives to meat and fish.

    I think parents should listen to their kids' views from any age and take them into consideration because children often have more wisdom than adults. If a child makes a moral decision about what they feel they should eat or avoid (like meat and fish) then I think parents should consider looking into alternative to those things. Children can have as well developed a consience as adults in my opinion. That's my impression from my voluntary work at primary schools anyway.

  3. 1. 15 years old (it was kind of off and on at 13-14 years old... but I actually became one at 15).

    2. At any age! Every humans views are important no matter what age they are!!

    3. Well they can instill their ethics that they (the parents) believe.. on the child, starting as an infant/toddler. When I have kids I plan to raise them vegetarians.. but once they are teens they should not force them into eating a certain way, etc.. unless they are eating tons of junk food and stuff. then they should eat healthy. If little kids have strong views that you don't believe in, maybe just talk to them about it and why they feel that way.. You don't have to give in to everything they want.. they are little kids. But they should still be heard. Maybe discuss what they think.. and compromise or something.

    4. No, I don't have children yet. I would never say that.

    The only people who would say that are people who don't feed their kids right obviously! Okay.. there are tons of vegetarians.. you can for sure be vegetarian and not be malnourished. If the parent would.. well lets see.. feed them right!

    It's called buying tofu, beans, protien products, vitamins (if they require them, or if you are concerned), lots of veggies and fruits!

    There's no way they will become malnourished unless the parents are lazy, don't care, or don't know what to buy. Look online or ask on here if you don't know what to get so that they will stay healthy. Or ask other people, or your/their doctor!!

  4. 1. since the day i was born lol

    2. once their children have ethical views (that r reasonable, ofcourse)

    3. in the end, i would think so 14, see, no kids (:

    vegetarianism is ALOT healither than eating meat! i have been vegetarian all my life,, and right now im 5'7 1/2, 14yrs old, and 143 lbs,, im pretty healthy! and im DEFFINETLY not stick skinny! lol i didnt say anything about being vegan

  5. how you want to brainwash your child is up to you.

    same goes for people who insist on feeding their pets vegan foods.  

  6. i was brought up a vegetarian - everyone in my family is a vegetarian - but when i was 13, for some strange reason i wanted to try out chicken soup (dont ask even i dont know what got into me !) so i did, and i loved it. i continued to eat meat occassionally till i was 19, when suddenly i went off it and thought (WHAT HAVE I BEEN DOING!?)

    and went back to being vegetarian and continue to do so today.

    i dont have kids but i like the fact that my parents did not enforce on me what i eat and what i should eat. when i was under their roof, i was a vegetarian with them, when i wanted to try out meat - they let me - and did not judge me or anything - now i am back to being vegetarian - they accept it

    if i have kids, i would definitely encourage them to be vegetarian but at the same time i would let them make their own decision.  

  7. I became a vegetarian when I was 5 years old.

    My parents both thought I was crazy and didn't cook any other foods for me. I ate cereal a lot.... like every night and morning.

    They finally started to cook me other food when I was 10 or so.

    I think they do have that right. What if a kid only wanted to eat candy?

    They do have the right but they should respect your vegetarianism.

    No I haven't had kids but I am going to raise mine to be vegetarians and if they like meat in the end well that will be alright with me it's more their choice than mine.... but when they are younger I will raise them vegetarian.

    Hope I Helped <3.

  8. I wanted to be a vegetarian when I was 9, but my mom wouldn't cook anything for me.

    I'm not sure about this question.

    I think that a child, when they are old enough, should be able to choose what they are going to eat. For example, I will raise my children as vegetarians, and if for some impossible reason, they decide to go the other way, I won't stop them but I probably will not cook meat for them.

    I support vegetarianism.

  9. Hi! =)

    I was raised in a vegan home. My parents always tried to explained me that not everyone has the same diet.When i was about 5/6 years old they presented me with the facts of the different worlds, so i could decide for myself if i'd like to continue living as a vegan or not.

    I reckon parents should always present the alternatives to their children, so they can make a decision.

    I don't have children, but i don't believe in being malnourished being a veg*n, unless you're not eating right.


  10. I will only answer #3,  If parents are responsible for their children's well being they have the right and responsibility to feed nourishing meals to their children.  And the right and responsibility to insist that they eat them.  A home is not a democracy.

  11. I was 7 when I decided to become veggie and I too was lucky to have supportive parents. I'm expecting a child in the next few days and I intend too bring him up as a vegetarian until he can decide for himself and I will support him whatever as I believe its his choice. If my child wants to eat meat at a friends house for example then I will allow it but I wont go out of my way to take him to Maccy D's or anything!

  12. 1.  I quit eating meat when I was 13.

    2.  I think parents should ALWAYS take children's ethical views into consideration.

    3.  No.  There is no sound medical reason anyone should have to consume animal products against their will.

    4.  My son has always been a vegetarian.

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