
Vegetarianism and Families?

by Guest56525  |  earlier

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I was a vegetarian off and on through my teens, and have recently made the decision to convert to vegetarianism for good. I have children between the ages of 9 and 11, and they want to convert to vegetarianism with me. What are your thoughts on this? I would never force them to eat meat or give up meat, as i believe, like religion, it is an incredibly personal decision.

I think that they will possibly do what i did, which is bounce back and forth for a few years before settling on their decision. So, should i just let them decide day-to-day what they are doing? Any thoughts appreciated




  1. It depends on your reasons for becoming veggie...if it is because you don't like the taste of meat, then I think your children should be able to make a choice (even if it is onloy when you eat out)...but if it is because you are concerned about animal welfare - then I think you should explain your views to your children and discuss it with them.

    Growing children need a good balanced diet - we eat lots of fruit and veg....very little red meat and chicken - but only if it free range.

  2. I think that's a great idea as long as you can  ensure they are getting the right nutrients they need to grow. If they want to do it with you that's great. Parents generally raise their children according to their moral beliefs, religion or customs, diet should be no different. When they are older they can choose to maintain the vegetarian diet, become vegan, or if they want to be omni that's fine too. I think it is fine if they want to be veg, best of luck =)

  3. As long as you are giving the children liberty to decide at their own it is fair enough and I really appreciate your approach towards respect for personal decisions.

  4. that's all up to you as you are their mother and at this stage in their lives, should be the only one who decides what best for them. They will make their own choices when they get older but for now, it's your decision.

    They have expressed a desire to do what yo do so at least on that issue, there are no conflicts. But I suggest, since you are aware how hard it can be, to be a little lenient and don't blow up if they slip every now and then. It will during those times that they will need parental understanding and guidance the most.

    Tip: make it fun and exciting. Vary choices and meals. A bored pre teen is an uncooperative pre teen.

  5. Me and my husband became vegetarians last christmas.

    My 10 year old decided to try it to but only lasted 2 weeks.

    I would never force my children to become vegetarian, it is their choice.

    You are right to allow them to change their minds and bounce back and forth.

    My daughter refuses any pork products.

    Good luck to you.

  6. oh my parents became vegetarians but my sis and I were given a choice to decide on our own...we  are still non-vegetarians.

    We don't cook non-veg at home now. But when we dine out, or at parties n all, they eat the vegetarian stuff, while we are free to have anything we want....

    Give them the choice to decide...thats the best way.

  7. Allow them to choose. If they want to go vegetarian, support them. If they want to stay as omnivores, support them still. Ive always liked that my parents would just support me into everything.

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