I have been a vegetarian for almost three months now. The only problem is my job. I work in outside sales so I don't have a regular lunch hour. I try to pack my lunch as often as I can, but it gets difficult. I start work about 8am and can get home at 8pm, or as late as 1am. I have to eat when I can, but Wendy's baked potato is getting a little old. I don't want to go the fry route so I wanted to know what other options are there. Of course I know most places offer salads. What are your favorites out there? Also are there any "vegetarian traps" that I should know about. I know certain Mexican restaurants offer beans and rice, but some cook them with animal products. I have read also that some fast food restaurants use meat flavorings in their french fries, sour cream with gelatin, and the mono- and diglycerides in their milkshakes come from animals. Are there anymore out there?