
Vegetarians, is there a good book on vegetarianism that you recommend to someone starting off?

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Vegetarians, is there a good book on vegetarianism that you recommend to someone starting off?




  1. I never read books. I just stoped eating meat, and read up online about what ever I had any questions on.

  2. Go to

  3. To start here are a couple Vegetarian Starter Kit/Guides that can be read online as well as downloaded or a hardcopy ordered (in Spanish even if wanted):

    Then I would suggest "Being Vegetarian for Dummies" by Susan Havila as well as "The New Becoming Vegetarian: The Essential Guide to a Healthy Vegetarian Diet" by Vesanto Melina and Brenda Davis. Both those have Vegan versions as well.


    Fill in the bold parts

    you'll get a FREE starter kit with basic facts on everything you need to no to be a veggie

    Good luck ive been a vegetarian since the age of 3 (now 15) and its just normal to me now don't give up after a month or 2 keep at it, it leads to a healthier safe lifestyle.. once again good luck

  5. its called "vegetarian manifesto" its for teens though and i dont know your age, it was extremely helpful

  6. "The New Becoming Vegetarian" by Brenda Davis and Vesanto Melina is an invaluable resource for vegetarian nutrition.

    Some others (which lean heavily towards veganism, but are really worth reading) include "Diet for a New America" and "The Food Revolution" by John Robbins, and "Mad Cowboy" and "No More Bull" by Howard Lyman.

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