
Vegetarians, what of the inuit of the Arctic that eat only meat or fish for 8 months of the year?

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Great Leap, lU'r right

So why should I believe vaggans have the answer to health?




  1. Do they need the fish and meat so much that they have to keep them in feed lots and put hormones in their diet?  Get back to me if you are sure on it...

  2. Eh?. The traditional Inuit dietary staples were seal, whale, caribou, walrus, polar bear, arctic hare, fish, birds, and berries. Because they ate raw food, and every part of the animal, the Inuit did not lack vitamins, even though they had almost no vegetables to eat. With the introduction of modern Western-style food, including fast food, over the past two to three decades, the Inuit diet has changed, and not for the better. The consumption of foods rich in sugar and carbohydrates has resulted in tooth decay and other diet-related medical problems.

    A tradional bread, bannock, was made while trapping or living in camps. The dough could be wrapped around a stick and cooked over an open fire. A recipe for bannock that can be prepared in an oven accompanies this article.

    Inuit mostly favourite eat bearded/ringed seal!!!! very delicious! and favourite beluga whale and caribou and trout/cod fish. some other walrus, Canadian goose,        

    ptarmigan. etc, the eskimo/inuit most eat them all of the years, unstop and keep going! lol

    some all of them mostly heathliest for food but some sea mammals making you more gaining cuz of Oil most from Seal oil making more gaining. lol

    i done eat seal, caribou, muskox, beluga and trout it was so good! well, you know im an eskimo/inuk hehe

  3. This makes no sense...but if you are insisting that all inuit people here in alaska should be you want to look at the grocery bills we have now with shipping everything from fairbanks.. well it is alot easier for us to live off what the earth has givin to us

    my family couldent afor to send produce up we have to eat meat

    i am sorry for the amimals i kill..but i am only doing it to servive..just like they eat meat to servive

  4. that isn't a properly formed question...I absolutely do not care what other people do with their life and diet, I'm not here to force anything on anyone.

  5. Inuits don't have much of a choice so they make the best of the circumstances in which they live. Maybe given a much wider choice, they would opt for more variety. I am not a vegetarian but if I have to live in a place where animal food is scarce, I might  have to become one.. at least for most of the year.

    Health issues are personal health choices.. Vegans say they are healthier? Fine.. but you don't have to believe them so what's the big deal if they say they are? If it is an issue with you, then you must have at least some doubts about your own choices that you look at others

    I am not vegan and I don't see myself becoming one ever .(unless my doc advices me to ) Vegans can say all they want.. they have that right.. I can ignore them.. I have that right too.. I don't see a problem

  6. They have no other choice.  I live in Pennsylvania and I have a choice.  Go lentils!!!

    I am not sure that this is actually a question.  Maybe you should add some details.

    You're a  little obsessed with Inuits.  You have asked this so many times!

  7. Do veg*ns claim to have the answer to health? Even if some do, no need for you to believe them.

    We are omnivores; our bodies are able to thrive on a plant-based diet or a diet including meat. Because we no longer NEED to eat meat to survive , and because we, where we live, have a choice- some of us choose not to eat meat. Others make a different choice. . That's all there is to it.

  8. it's their choice dude.

    if they dont criticise my diet, i dont criticise theirs.

  9. Around 1910, the anthropologist Vilhjalmur Stefansson returned to the US from several years living with the Inuit in northern Canada. He said that he had observed that they ate nothing but animal products 100% of the time (that was before snowmobiles and other modern conveniences.) And he had shared their diet for those several years.

    The expert nutritionists of the time were skeptical; they claimed that a no-vegetable diet would lead to deficiency disease.

    So Stefansson said that for the following year, while he was doing an extended lecture circuit in the US and Canada, he would eat no plant products at all. It wasn't easy to do, traveling and eating in all sorts of cafes and restaurants, but he did it. And he remained perfectly healthy. The nutritionists were convinced it was indeed possible.

    The secret, of course, lies in eating the whole animal, not just the muscle tissue.

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