
Vegetarians: Don't you get so angry when...?

by Guest60656  |  earlier

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...someone calls themselves a vegetarian, but they say they eat fish or poultry or some other type of MEAT?

For example, this on girl said on her MySpace: "im a vegetarian but i eat poultry and seafood." Whenever someone says something like that, I want to slap them in the face and yell at them. "SHUT UP! You're not a vegetarian!" Some people are just so desperate for a label!!




  1. well theres vegetarians and vegans. vegetarions don't eat red meat like cow or pigs but they eat poultry and seafood. Vegans eat only veggies and fruits...and tofu i don't really know what catagory tofu is on but oh well. Vegans don't eat eggs or any dairy product or poultry or red meat or sea food, they only eat something grown from the ground. Vegans are a type of Vegetarian...

  2. they just want to call them self Vegetarians

  3. lolz yea pple do tht im not a vegitarian but i do think its dumb when ppl do tht my bros ex used do tht i never got it


  4. People are just really misinformed. Case in point: "vegetarions don't eat red meat like cow or pigs but they eat poultry and seafood."

    Vegetarians do not eat ANY type of animal flesh, and that includes chicken and fish. If you eat flesh, you aren't a vegetarian. Simple as that.

  5. ever heard of a fish and chip-ocrit....  Personally I'm vegetarian and don't eat either.  But I don't think we should get angry and shove this down people's throats (forgive the pun) because they eat something we wouldn't.  There's a different forms of vegetarianism and veganism.  Not just one standard.

  6. It is even more annoying when you eat just chicken and people call you a vegetarian.  It happened to me all the time when I was only eating chicken still.  I never called myself a vegetarian, other people did!  I think it is just ignorance, and yes it is annoying when people say they are vegetarians when they aren't but I just try to correct them and if it dosen't work ignore it:)

  7. Yep.  If you want to eat fish and chicken or whatever, fine.  Just please, please, please don't call yourself a vegetarian as long as you eat the flesh of animals.  It also causes confusion when those of us who really ARE vegetarian sometimes have people try to serve us fish.

  8. yeah. it gets so annoying. they know im a vegetarian so why would i eat that? really people these days.

  9. It depends. Technically, the correct label would be something like pesco vegetarian, pollo vegetarian, or at least pseudo vegetarian. However, those things are quite a mouthful to say and a pain in the *** to explain to others (at least in casual conversation). I guess if you are bothering to include it on your myspace page, maybe you should use the correct lingo??

    Personally, I don't really care. If someone is misinformed then, so be it. What is the point in passing judgement on them? How does it solve anything?

    After all, it is kind of hypocritical to practice nonviolence and then turn around and use violent speech and/or harsh judgements.

  10. yeah! like they're trying to act all unique or something and go around being like  i love animals, and then go eat chicken. its so disgusting. next time someone does say that, you totally should slap them in the face.

  11. Lighten up, there are far more important things get excited about.

    There are many non-strict vegetarians.  Those who lean heavily in that direction but not strictly.

  12. Tofu is bean curd, therefore it is in the legume family.

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