
Vegetarians I've a few questions, vegans you can answer too if you want?

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Other than not eating meat, what kinds of other things make your diet healthy? Like do you bake and not fry, or do you choose whole wheat bread over white bread?

Do you believe that you can put worse things in your body other than meat? An example of worse at least in my book would be smoking or drinking?

I ask because while I am not vegetarian (I have been for periods of time) I think that being a vegetarian is an extreamly healthy diet.......if done correctly that is.




  1. i don't think being a vegetarian means healthiness. True- most might choose healthier options.  But vegetarians stioll eat noodles, different fattening sauces, bread, chips, so tons of carbs, eggs which are high in cholesterol and calories when the yolk is eaten, ice cream, cakes, sugary treats.  So, a vegetarian can still be unhealthy.  It's all about moderation and watching what you eat whether you eat meat or not.

    I just recently became a vegetarian and I don't feel any differnt than I did when I ate meat for 26 years of my life. Meat can be healthy when cooked properly and when lean cuts are chosen.  

    I do agree with you that the vegetarian diet CAN BE extremely healthy when done properly!  Vegetarians still have to make good and healthy decisions. Just cuz they are eating a vegetable doesn't make it any healthier if it is fried!

  2. Vegetarians can have a very healthy diet, as can vegans and even meat eaters (just talking health here, not morals).  Lean meat, fish and chicken provide lots of healthy nutrients, for example.

    The biggest mistake I see people make is the assumption that something low-fat is better for you.  It isn't, not if low-fat means more sugar.  

    I've seen vegan recipes that incorporate coffeemate, for example, yet coffeemate has as its main ingredient corn syrup solids.  This is junk.  And if the issue is health (not morals) do your body a favor and just use milk.

    That's where veggies are  no different than anyone else - you still need to make smart choices for a complete healthy diet.

  3. alcohol, cigarette smoke, weed, other various rec drugs= the worse 2 put in the body.

    ummmm i only drink soy milk: preference thing.

    always either wheat bread or potato bread

    now....i do eat chicken, fish, and turkey.

    protein is super necessary!!!!

    and i get soooo tired of beans.

    pork and beef are a no no.

    i do eat french fries from fast food places sometimes....but when i am preparing food...i never fry.

    i bake potatoes.

    i drink water constantly and of course eat a ton of veggies and fruits.

    i used to do tofu.

    that's healthy too.

    i dnt know....imma diff. kind of semi-vegetarian. :)

  4. I've been a vegitarien ever since my 5th birthday when dad told me what a hamburger is made of. It's disgustingly cruel. I eat veggies and all, but also white bread. The only thing I don't eat is meat, and fish of course. I love sweets and chips and stuff too! And I even drink milk, because you are not killing or tourturing a animal, if done right that is..

    I do NOT smoke or drink

  5. to sum it up so i dont overwhelm you, a wonderful diet that is extremely beneficial and healthy would be: all kinds of fruit, all kinds of vegetables, cooked dry beans (recipes online for good flavor) nuts/seeds, whole grain breads and can deffinitly come up with some good recipies to make all of this taste good!

    deffinitly check this website out...

  6. DON'T eat anything that has a face, it will keep your body, soul, and the world a healthier happier place.  Only eat apples that have fallen from the tree.  Tomatos that fall from the vine, Do not kill. Drink only water that is moving,  such as from a river or spring.  Eat only grains harvested by hand.  Any Foods grown using mammal manure should not be eaten, it is not pure. Wear clothes made by hand , not by machine.  If you smoke, it must be the unprocessed tobacco leaf, free of pesticide & other chemicals, lit by a wooden flint match (NOT A GAS LIGHTER).  I do drink wines but  It must be naturally fermented and aged without chemicals.  Alcohol is natural.  My only exception is when washing.  I use only GOATS MILK soap for my hands, dishes, and laundry.  I brush my teeth with organic baking soda, Floss with string made from hemp, and wear Cinnamon and/or vanilla extract for deodorant.  This makes for a healthier, more pure soul.

  7. this is true, not only for people, but for the planet. example follows:

    "Animal-based agriculture contributes 18% more greenhouse gases to the atmosphere then ALL forms of transportation put together.

    The amount of corn and oats required to produce just one 8oz. beef steak, could actually feed over 45 people."  *

    And as far as being a more healthy choice - i'll tell you this from personal experience:  my doctors have told me that had i not been a veggie since i was 19 ( now 51 ), i would have already had a stroke, at the very least - i have a rare condition because of genetics - hardening of the arteries of my brain.  i have some mutant genes - i had no clue, like you i saw the activities of the slaughter houses first hand - highschool feild trip - and as i got older it became a philosophical conviction.  remember this:  GOOD FOR YOUR BODY< GOOD FOR THE EARTH< GOOD FOR EVERYBODY!  education is the key to healthy plant-based diet.  thank you for eating Eco- Friendly, even if it is only sometimes - everything helps!  :)

  8. I agree- the diet is VERY healthy if done correctly.

    This is an interesting question... I had to think about everything that is just second nature to me at this point.

    -I try to limit my processed foods. Yes, I'll eat soy ice cream and a veggie burger every now and then, but beyond that, I rarely eat chips, cookies, snack crackers, etc. While those items might be vegan, they still contain a lot of preservatives, sugar, sodium and other additives. My rule for reading the ingredients label is: if I cannot pronounce it or if I don't know what it is, I will NOT eat it.

    -I don't fry my foods very often. Every once in a while I'll have a hankering to pan fry my tofu or pan fry some homemade egg rolls, but that's about it. If I eat anything deep fried, I'm on the commode for a really, REALLY long time.

    -I eat wheat pasta as opposed to white. I also use wheat flour instead of white. I also use brown rice and quinoa instead of white rice.

    -I exercise regularly. I also practice yoga. It really balances out the mind and the body at the same time  - I love it. I think my food digests better and quicker since I started practicing it on a regular basis

    -I juice with my juicer.

    -I don't eat a lot of bread, but when I make Hispanic food and I need tortillas, I'll use wheat instead of white.

    -When choosing a boxed cereal, I make sure sugar is not one of he first three ingredients on the list.

    Yes, I do believe that there are worse things besides meat - most of the junk on the grocery store shelves is terrible and nutritionally bankrupt!

    As many diseases and conditions that meat can cause (obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes...), drugs/cigarettes can do the same thing.

    Good question - star for you!

  9. Vegetarian can indeed be very healthy if done correctly, wish choices made in what to eat.

    Moderate exercise to me is an important part of life and part of a healthy lifestyle choice, something that I believe many ignore.

    As to bread, I don't eat much of it.  When I do, I prefer pumpernickel and rye - while there is a 12 grain bread that I really like as well.  Years ago, there was a saying, "The whiter the bread, the quicker your dead".  While I don't totally agree with that - I do believe that whole grains and less processed grains are a better approach.

    Fried food is something I do only rarely - bothers my stomach.

    I believe that putting drugs, massive amounts of alcohol is proven to be horrid for the body.  Doesn't mean that people are going to stop doing them - or attempting to justify such - and still claim that being vegetarian/vegan makes one healthy while ignoring the other.  My ex claimed that all the vegetarian/vegans he met where he moved to would have been more accepting of him had he had a needle and syringe hanging out of his arm vs. him smoking.  Smoking while not good for one - at least is legal.....  He literally had to lie about his smoking and said that they were more accepting had he been doing illegal drugs!

  10. Even if you are vegetarian you can still eat unhealthily. i have been a vegetarian for 17 years now but i am overweight. i do eat wholewheat bread and wholewheat pasta. i do not smoke but i do drink. i think that eating anything that once had a heartbeat is wrong, but i would never condemn anybody else for doing that - each to their own.

    i am trying to stick to healthy diet at the minute and it is working; eating greens, squashes, sweet potatoes(which have far less calories than regular potatoes) and fruit.

    I am far more cautious of things that contain meat by-products such as gelatine and rennet and so don't eat that much cheese, some sweet desserts, jelly, and some yoghurts, which does go in my favour too as some of these can be very unhealthy.

    oh and jelly sweets because the majority of them contain gelatine - ewww!

    also when frying you avoid lard and use sunflower oil instead, which is better.

    i think if you do it correctly then it is possible to both be vegetarian and healthy

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