
Vegetarians Please!!

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what can/cant you eat if u wanna go veg?

and im not gonna be that strict so yeah... thanks!




  1. I am a vegetarian and I eat lots of pork, chicken and hamburger.

  2. What do you mean "not that strict"? You can't eat meat, just if you feel like it, or you're not going veg.  You just can't eat meat, or animal body.  Unless you are vegan you can still eat honey,milk, eggs, etc.  But not like animal stock (broth, bouillon, etc).  Try not to eat gelatin either (connective tissues, ew).  Or red dye (insect shells)

  3. If you are trying to become a vegetarian, my suggestion is that you start as a lacto-ova-vegetarian.

    These types of vegetarians eat plant foods, dairy products (Lacto), and eggs (Ova).

    Most of Hindus (Indians) are lacto-vegetarians.

    When you are a new vegetarian you have to learn about proteins, Vitamin b12, Calcium , Iron etc. If you start out as a Laco-ova-vegetarian, you do not have to worry about this learning process. This will give you a glimpse in to the life of a vegetarian. Then if you like it, you can proceeed further.

  4. things you cant eat:

    MEAT! duh

    things that are yummy (meat free):

    nuts..(good replacement for meat vitiam wise)

    salad (yum)


    milk (ice cream yogurt)

  5. shouldnt this be a simple answer??? we all have different reasons for doing it, just be yourself and follow your moral values.

    weather your doing it for religious reasons, ethical reason, moral reasons, health reasons, or the fact that you just dont like the taste of murder, eat what your mind is telling you to.

    if you are forcing yourself to be veg to fit in, or to follow the pack, and not because your own morality is telling you not to eat meat, then your obviously meant to eat meat and your asking the wrong question

  6. I'm a vegetarian and I'm still learning what includes animal products.  Eat what you're comfortable with and learn to read labels.  You can also learn TONS about it at the link below.  Try their 'Pledge to Go Veg for Thirty Days' campaign and see if it's a lifestyle you enjoy.  Good luck!

  7. My tip is eat whatever you feel comfortable with. Don't label yourself a vegetarian until it "makes sense" too many people are vegetarian for a week and give up. I highly recommend not being a vegetarian if you live in a small town and don't cook for yourself. Try pasta minus the meat at first, most people are surprised they like it better that way. PB & J's are great! whatever you don't don't eat only salads, you'll hate it within 3 days. haha. That's what happened to me. most ethnic foods (Mexican Chinese ) have great selections. i.e. bean burritos, cheese enchiladas. stir fry. GOOD LUCK

  8. What do you mean by "not strict"? I'm kinda hoping you mean "not vegan" and not "I may eat meat sometimes" or even worse, "I'm going to eat fish and incorrectly label myself vegetarian." :/

    Vegetarians don't eat meat or slaughter byproducts- beef, chicken, pork, fish, shellfish, gelatin, animal stock, animal fat.

  9. Well since you won't eat any meat, you need protein.

    Eat beans, peanuts and almonds, or stuff like that cause it has a lot of protein. Have a taco salad (minus the beef) or trail mix. But if you don't want to do that, just take vitamins that have a lot of protein in them and then you can basically eat whatever you want, as long as it doesn't have meat.

    By the way, fish isn't really considered meat.

    A lot of vegs won't eat it, but that  doesn't mean you can.

    Pretty much everything has a bit of meat in it, except for fruits and veggies, but that would get boring. So eat what's best for you.

  10. Obviously meat. That means no fish no animals at all. If you eat fish you aren't a vegetarian. Also, products that contain gelatin. This means skittles, other gummy candy, jelly (eat jam instead, it's just as good), marshmallows, yogurt (look for gelatin free yogurt, etc. Just read labels because it's hiding everywhere. Congrats!  

  11. Well, I'm what you would call a lacto-ovo-vegetarian.  It means I drink milk and eat eggs.  You can choose to eat animal products, choose to eat fish, (although technically you would be a peskatarian however you spell it.) or just simply cut back on meat.  (If that's what floats your boat.)

  12. To a previous answerer - fish IS meat. Not mammalian meat, perhaps, but still meat.

    I follow a lacto-ovo-pescetarian diet (I still eat dairy products, eggs, and fish).  There's also such a thing as a flexitarian (someone who follows a vegetarian diet at least half the time and plays a big part in cutting down on the purchase of cruelly raised animal flesh).  Think about your beliefs and reasons for becoming a vegetarian, and pick the diet that works in accordance to those beliefs and reasons.
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