
Vegetarians&Vegans:Do you date meat eaters?

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I just wanted to hear from people and there personal thoughts on this as well as how they handle it

Also what about if they eat a meat product and then they want to kiss you do you let them?




  1. Im a veg and have no problem dating a meat eater as long as they dont work in a slaughter house. Its their decision, im not going to ram my beliefs down their throat.

  2. My spouse is also vegan so I don't really have to worry about it.

    Before when he was an omnivore, he knew I would not purchase or cook meat, but I was not going to look down on him for eating it.

  3. I wouldn't seriously date a meat eater and  I'm still on the fence about vegetarians for that matter. I'm lucky though, I have an amazing girl who is also a vegan so i don't have to worry about cruelty-tasted kisses.

  4. yup.

    my gf is a meat eater. kissing? not while she's eating. i have to wait a bit. cause it makes me sick if i can taste the meat on her lips. ick.

  5. yes my bf eats meat, however, he certainly eats a lot less of it now than he used to! i never forced him to not eat meat or anything like that... after years of hearing why i don't eat it, he looked into himself and decided he didn't like aspects of it.  also the health part really got to him. he realized he could eat the "fake" meats and they still taste really good and he gets to satisfy his craving and get protein and not get all the fat of meat and not contribute to processes he's not thrilled with.  if he wants meat he can cook it himself or he can order it when we go out to eat...

    if he has meat i'm not kissing him until he brushes those teeth! yuck!

    i probably couldn't be with a "meat and potatos" kind of guy who "needed" his meat... i dont' mind he eats meat becuase he is very open minded adn understands and took the time to find out about it himself... someone who thought it was "silly" or whatever would not work out!

  6. Actually, I'm married to a carnivore that'd happily walk up to a cow and start gnawing on it. I cook meat for him.

    Yes, I kiss him after he eats.

  7. I don't mind...not a big deal!

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