
Vegetarians? What made u become a Vegetarian? Not a bashing question.?

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Vegetarians? What made u become a Vegetarian? Not a bashing question.?




  1. i was born into a vegan family. Around the age of 12 i rebelled and started eating dairy. I guess peer-pressure from when going out with friends for ice cream or eating that cheese sandwich in the cafeteria. after a few failed atempts of trying to go back to vegan i decided that its easiest to just be a vegetarian. i guess i do not have enough strength in me to not be a vegetarian.

  2. 1. Animals are kept in TERRIBLE TERRIBLE conditions.

    2. It is more environmentally friendly. For example, did you know that one acre of land can produce 20,000 pounds of potatoes, but only 165 pounds of beef?

    3. Less risk of health problems such as high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer, and high cholesterol.

    4. Religion. I respect God enough not to eat his creations.

  3. I initially went veg ''because of the animals''. But I kinda stuck with it. I got into a routine of just... avoiding meat. I read more and more about how to get enough nutrients and what I should eat each day.

    I was never the greatest meat lover so I didn't find it too difficult to cut out.

    Later I discovered more benefits to being a veggie- now it's more than the whole 'animals' issue. I do it for my health too.

    These are just my reasons, I'm sure each individual vegan/veggie has their 'Why they went veg' story.

  4. i thought that it would be nice for a change, but then i started thinking about the animals and all that and i became a vegetarian. :]

  5. Mainly for the animals, I always felt guilty that something died for me to eat it.  Also the texture, taste, and smell of meat, has always been rather unappealing for me.  I barely was eating meat, maybe 1-2 times per week and I decided to just cut it out all together, the local stores in my area recently made it a lot easier too, there was a new grocery store built w/ a huge organic and vegetarian area.  The second reason would be a health one, I know meats are high in saturated fats, and have other antibotics and chemicals in them, that I prefer not to ingest.

  6. well I'm a flexetarian. i think animals are treated harshly.  and meat and dairy makes you FAT.    and it is just gross hat your food was once alive and well

    flexetarian:  eats very little meat.

    eats meat as a side.

  7. I watched a few PETA videos on youtube and found out how terribly the poor animals were mistreated. We can go without eating meat. Mass farming of animals inevitably results in the suffering of animals. I think its' the logical responsible choice to become vegetarian or at least eat as little meat as possible. I like animals too.

  8. i became a vegetarian for the cool flag and button pin they gave me when i joined the club

  9. I became a vegetarian when I started gardening and growing my own food.  I found that I could harvest the vegetables and fruits that I had grown but knew that I would never be able to "harvest" an animal.  The defining moment was when I went fishing with my husband.  I caught several fish too small to keep and though I unhooked them as carefully as I could, a couple of them died and were floating nearby as we continued to try for larger ones.  The sight of those dead baby fish still haunts me.

  10. this movie:

  11. health reasons. i was having all kinds of scary symptoms and gained an interest in health foods. although unless if i eat really healthy...which i sometimes fail to do...there's not much benefit.

  12. When I saw that video of that poor downed cow being poked and prodded by that idiot in the forklift that totally convinced me.....I quit eating meat that same day and haven't had any since.....I wont be part of that any more.

  13. i became a vegitarian because i love animals

    the though of eating meat makes me sick because i think about dead animals and how they are cruely treated so technicaly it's not an indulgence.

    i'm not a vegitartain to impress people or because it's in vouge

    but i'm gonna have to say:

    i'm glad it is popular because, treating animals like we do now, shouldn't be popular.

  14. A number of factors. I am very interested in ethics and social and political philosophy. My studies and my readings really brought home the moral arguments and i wasn't able to find an even remotely plausible rebuttal to the arguments.

    Now I am becoming more interested in globalization issues, particularly relating to food. Again, it was my studies which opened my eyes to some of the grim facts about the world, like the millions who die every year from the effects of malnutrition. While some people might take this as a reason not to "go veg," when you look in to the facts, such as about the horrible wastefulness of meat production in terms of land use, calories production, and natural resource consumption, concerns about the global food supply actually provides a reason to not eat meat. The recent global food crisis was said to have been partially brought on by ethanol, but of course livestock eat far more grains than humans use for ethanol or even eat ourselves. Considering that the majority of calories go to simply keeping an animal alive, not putting flesh on its body, this is horribly inefficient.

    So those, for me are the two main reasons. ZThere are others. Last year, for example, the UN released a report citing meat production as a leading cause of global warming and pollution. Plus there are health concerns (meat consumption is linked to many diseases). While it was the treatment of animals which is the most obvious issue and the one which initially grabbed my attention, once I looked in to it, it was amazing how many other issues were tied up with it as well.

    The ironic thing is, while everything I said here can be easily shown to be true, vegetarianism, particularly ethical vegetarianism, is always branded in our society as "radical." Politically, barring some unforseen events, it can't be an issue for decades, if ever. I think there are a number of reasons why this is, but I've bored you enough, I'm sure. :)

  15. I decided that animals in factory farms were treated cruelly. And it helps the environment. I figured, hey I could easily live without meat, so why not if it will help something else. Now, about 2 years later, I have sort of just lost the taste for it.

  16.  and google earthlings.

  17. well, after we saw all of the videos about how meat was actually made and watched cows get ran over and so mistreated, we figured it really wasn't right to do that.....we just started February but animals are really cute and it seems like people are finding new things to eat everyday and animals are just being used for food, i personally find it disgusting since I have been vegetarian............

  18. hmm...

    i became a vegetarian because i thought of all the animals that were once alive. i wasnt going to eat something like that. they are tortured =[

  19. Suffering

  20. Rise against... their video Ready to fall showed how they tortured the animals we eat... and also I went to I saw a hole bunch of videos there to... LIke how kfc torture their chickens... I was happy with my decision

  21. I didn't like the idea of eating something that was once alive. I just felt bad knowing that my lunch was, at some point in time, walking around. It wasn't until after I gave up meat that I found out about the terrible conditions that commercialized animals are kept in.

  22. I was always a vegetarian because I never cared for the taste of meat.  As a child, I refused to eat it.

    Then I read a book by the heir to the Baskin Robbins fortune, John Robbins, called Diet for a New America.  Robbins turned his back on the family ice cream empire (and all of its money) to live according to his own ethical beliefs.

    The book explained that factory farming is destroying the earth.  Did you know it takes like 40 gallons of water to make one pound of beef?  And our planet is running out of water to drink.

    Then I saw some PETA videos and read some articles and boom, I went vegan.  Once I knew how badly dairy cows are abused and how much negative impact factory farming has on the environment, I could not eat dairy products with a clear conscience.

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