
Vegetarians: Why do people always assume that...?

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Since I am a vegetarian, I only eat vegetables, and nothing else. I don't get it. I am like any other person, except I don't eat anything that was once a living, breathing animal.




  1. Because they don't think about it, usually.  It's an alien lifestyle to them, so they just assume.  Don't take it personally.

  2. because people are ignorant to think that a VEGGEtarian sounds alot like VEGGEtables =P duh lol. let them be ignorant.

  3. Because they are ignorant and don't realize that there are many other options that SUPPLEMENT the vegetables :-)

  4. Why wouldn't they assume that. If they have never been around a vegetarian, and never had a reason to know the different type of vegetarians, then the name would lead one to believe that you only eat vegetables.

  5. I wear a size 16, and I think it's hilarious when people ask me "What do you eat?"  (Or, more rudely, "Aren't vegetarians usually thin?")  I want to guide them around Whole Foods, or any grocery store as a matter of fact.  There is so much life beyond the racks of meat!

  6. People are stupid and think that it is short for vegetable-arian.

    There's this interesting phenomenon that causes people to think they know about something when they haven't bothered to read about it or even give it a thought.

    Just explain it to them as if you aren't shocked in any way and as kindly and carefully as possible so that they won't find a reason to become defensive

  7. Have you hear the term "vegetarian" lately? What does it sound like. There are many different types of vegetarians, some happen to only eat vegetables - Vegans. There are vegetarians that even eat meat, they may not eat red meat, or they might eat fish. There are many different types of classifications for a vegetarian, and they all have different names. If people aren't vegetarians, or don't have vegetarian friends or family they really don't know much about it. If it bothers you, then you may just be there to teach them.

  8. I know how you feel. I've thought about that before. People might think your weird because your not like them.

  9. Lack of education & understand what a Veggie is. Be patient with them, teach them(gently).

  10. Not to worry. Very soon the world will have more vegetarians than meat eaters. We will have the last laugh.

  11. Because that's what a stereotype does.

  12. Everyone I told about my being vegan said the same thing. They thought that all I am going to eat are "vegetables" and nothing else. These ignorant poor creatures. hahaha

  13. No idea,it's a common misconception. Generally,I've found that those who haven't taken the time out to study vegetarianism assume because of the name,your diet only consists of vegetables.

  14. Yeah. I know what you mean. Im vegan and people are like so you just eat even for breakfast?? People who are uninformed will always make assumptions...oh well :]

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