
Vegetarians and Vegans Only, what are your views on PETA?

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I have been a vegetarian for over a year, but I have never been much of a supporter of PETA. In fact, I'm asking this question for a few reasons. One: recently, a friend of mine who is also a vegetarian asked me why I don't support PETA. So I was wondering how many vegetarians and vegans do or don't support PETA. I've heard bad things about PETA, but I have nothing real bad to say about them, I don't agree on their every aspect, but I don't believe everything I hear.

Is it true that they kill animals to prove what happens to them.

I know that they throw paint on anyone who wears fur.

Do you agree with this?

Anything helps as long as you're a vegetarian or vegan.

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  1. They have great veg*n resources, but I feel like they care more about causing controversy than actually changing anything. Their demos are based more around giant chickens beheading Colonel Sanders and less around telling people WHY KFC is horrible. Their idea of a pro-vegetarian rally involves minimal information and maximum girls in lettuce bikinis. They also seem to try to get kids to go veg because OMGZ (insert lame emo band of the minute) IS VEGAN!!!!11

  2. I'm more neutral than I used to be. I like some things they do, but other things, I'm against.

    I am really on the fence with them lately, I believe in the not guilty until proven concept and I do not believe they are involved with the ALF and ELF, but I have my doubts about them being so clean financially.

  3. I support them too.

    They're also criticised for terrorism such as bombing research labs that test on animals.. and one of the main people of the organisation uses insulin which comes from animals.. and also, for some reason they bought a walk in freezer? Aswell, most of the animals they save are given euthanasia.

    To be honest.. I agree with most of the things they do.. but their 'holocaust on your plate' campaign was terrible. and it does seem they care for animals more than human beings.

  4. I've been a vegatarian since i was in the 4th grade :] i've never heard of PETA. Well i've heard of it, but i don't really support it. Some of it i do, like wearing real fur things, throw paint at em!! lol!!

    But nahh, I like to spread the word of not killing animals, and getting into arguments of why hunting is bad, etc.. but don't get me wrong i'm not one of those ppl who will hate ppl who hunt, just cause the kill wild animals... as long they aren't obsessed ;]

  5. PETA is not my favorite animal rights group by any means. I believe that they are one of the reasons people think vegetarians are all weirdos who's sole purpose in life is to take everyone else's steak away.

    For me, personally, PETA goes against a lot of what I believe in. Change should come about peacefully, not because some screaming mob harassed school children and women in fur coats. Nobody should be harassed into changing their beliefs. Researchers should stop testing on animals because it is the sane and ethical thing to do. Not because a protester sat on their front lawn, screamed, scared their children, and fire-bombed their garage. People should stop eating factory farmed meat because they came to that decision themselves. Because they realize that it's wrong to kill another conscious being for food. Not because someone grossed them with happy meal sacks full of bloody animal parts or hollered at them while walking into a KFC.

    I'm not a fan of PETA. I think there are many organizations out there that do the same work in a much better fashion. PETA is all hype and big business.

    There's is a quote that I love... "Be the change you wish to see in the world." We should all lead by example. Lead your life in the most wholesome, ethical way you know how. The best way to get people to change is to show them that the change is possible and positive. Some people have certain negative views of vegetarians. I love shocking people. Showing them that vegetarians are sane, wonderful, giving, humble people. That, yes, we love animals but we also love people.We care about people so deeply that we want them to benefit from the compassionate lifestyle we know changes lives.

    Nobody wants to be screamed at or berated. In my opinion, PETA makes people feel bad about themselves. Your bad, bad, bad if you eat meat! Nobody responds to that. I love organizations that connect people with the animals that they are trying to save. Get to know a cow, a chicken, a pig. Look them in the eye. Don't just watch them suffer and be slaughtered on YouTube. PETA uses animal's suffering to push their agenda too.

  6. I honestly feel like they make vegetarians and vegans look bad.  They are so radical and get negative media attention, so people associate all vegetarians and vegans with PETA.

    A lot of people don't even realize I'm a vegetarian until it comes up in conversation or they're preparing a dinner or something, and I'm mostly a vegan, I don't buy any groceries with dairy or egg.  (I try not to worry so much when i'm dining out or at friends/families' houses for dinner, like if there is egg in the pasta or bread for example, or parmesan cheese, etc.)  

    Anyway, people respect me so much more for keeping my opinions and lifestyle to myself, just like I expect people not to shove their lifestyle and views in my face.

  7. I prefer ALF...You should check out their site.

  8. I'm a vegan and I'm not a huge supporter of PeTA. I visit their site for some cruelty-free resources (like shopping lists) but that's about all. I've never donated money to them and I don't plan on doing it anytime soon.

    I think they have a lot of passion where it comes to animal rights, but I think their methodology is flawed. The fact that so many people automatically link veg*ns to PeTA is sad - that's just like someone saying that all Muslims are terrorists. That's obviously not true.

  9. well, im not exactly completely against PeTA, but i have heard the horror stories of them dumping dead puppies in dumpsters. so i guess im kinda 50-50. i do like their ideas, like fur is dead, kentucky fried cruelty, cut out dissection, etc, but the way they carry them out is just completely unacceptable. i mean, telling a little girl her daddy deserves to die is just downright cruel. if they maybe toned it down a bit, and helped animals find homes instead of kiling them, then yes, i would be completely for them. as of now, i prefer to stick with local groups, like the ohio spca.

  10. ~ I am a raw vegan and I do support most of PETA.

    There are some things I don't like about them but in my opinion that is life.  There are very few things you like 100% the way it is.  I support the KFC, Fur is dead, Animals in the Circus, Iams cruelty and many others.  There are some lines that go to far, but you have to really understand what it is they are doing and unfortunately a lot of people don't get it and see the bigger picture and that is why PETA gets such a bad rap.  Also, as much good information is out there about them is as much as there is bad.  A lot of people are very misinformed and believe everything they read and that is not fair.  Nothing is black and white!  I will continue to support and rally for the things I believe in and will fight for because PETA has made a lot of improvements for animals and companies going animal free!  In that way they are great in my book :o)

    I think you need to pick your battles.  If you research and find something they are doing you support, then support them.  If there is something you don't agree with then back off.  Nobody is going to hate you if you follow your heart and stay true to what you believe.

  11. I'm a vegetarian simply because I don't like meat. I do not support PETA; I think they're looney. I have no problem at all with the concumption of meat, the use of animal products or even "animal cruelty."

  12. I agree with only some of the things they do.... some of it is just way too overboard.

  13. Personaly i think if someone wants to be ignorant and wear a fur coat its their own problem..i dis agree with that..but i would enver throw paint on them...and also i am not much with organsized groups because i have my own thoughts and i dont think by supporting peta i would be doing all that much im not saying if they didnt have a petition that i agreeded with that i wouldent sign it..because i would...but over all i dont support peta...but individual petitions and things they stand up for i do support

    i dont think you HAVE to support peta to be  GOOD  vegan or vegitarian...

  14. I'm a vegan and I don't support PETA. I don't agree with a lot of their campaigns.

    Like the KFC boycott, they're trying to get them to kill the chickens on a nicer way, and I'm against any sort of killing, so I don't think there's a point to it. When KFC gives in, they'll get to brag about how they treat their chickens humanely, which is not true, and then more people will go to eat there and create more demand for meat. So the whole thing is pointless.

    Also they waste so much money on the anti fur ads with celebrities which is exploiting women, and people are animals and they're supposed to be against exploiting animals...

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