
Vegetarians and vegans, this is a question for you?

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so i have been a vegetarian for almost 2 years and i am trying to go vegan. i was reading stuff about egg farms online and was so shocked. so then i went downstairs to get my heating pad and i looked in the fridge for my water bottle and saw the egg carton. and there, in tiny black print were the words 'eggs from caged hens' and then all of a sudden i started crying because of all the suffering the hens went through and i felt so helpless. like even if i become vegan and keep reminding my mom to buy cage free eggs millions of animals will be exploited each year. i just feel so helpless and sad! i have seriously never been this depressed. i just want to curl up in a ball and bawl my eyes out. it's not fair that i get to sit here, all comfy cozy when right now millions of animals are living in pure h**l with absoulutley no way to get out! it's not fair! it's not fair AT ALL. it's not fair that cows get their babies taken from them, it's not fair that veal cows have to live their breathtakingly short lives in tiny cages half the size of my bed!! it's not fair!

i want to do more! i'm going to go vegan i know that now i can't sit idly by and say well i do like eggs. stinks for me! i'll live without eggs but those hens that live through h**l won't! they won't live and i can live on everything else! i hate people, why do those stupid people think they can play god and let animals suffer? if i could just save one animal, just one and let it have the life it deserves i swear i'd go to church/temple/mosque everything everyday of every year!

i just feel so depressed and helpless. i can't stop crying and i want to help so much more but i don't know what to do.

have any of you ever felt like this?

so depressed and helpless and i feel guilty for feeling like that because for goddsakes pigs go insane from being in the same crate day after day after day.

so if any of you have felt like this, what did you do? what can i do?




  1. This sounds like kind of an over the top emotional reaction.

    I'm a vegan, so I feel your pain, but "crying uncontrollably" sounds a little extreme.

  2. with all do respect to the person who is referring you to PETA, its a great animal lib organization but do your research and youll be as shocked as i was to find they arent exactly the greatest people.

  3. The things about Pigs is everyone calls them dirty disgusting creatures, mainly because the roll around in their own filth. The truth is, they don't roll around in the mud because they like it. They roll around in the mud because their dehydrated from farmers throwing them into the beating sun with no protection. These pigs are hot, and cannot sweat or pant. So they use mud to cool off, and humans have the right to just go make fun of them. Humans seem to have the idea that their a superior race to one another and thus will make them suffer. I never cried but many times it has crossed my mind that humans are slaughtering these animals to have dinner (while laughing and smiling). Even if the animals were being killed naturally like in the old times and not being pumped full of medicinal chemicals I would still be Vegan.

    1) Humans don't have the right to kill another being, we don't have that power and judgment, only god does. As god states that we can eat animals (definitely wasn't referring to the massacre going on today) I don't believe that we should be eating an others body. Though god did say it was alright to be a pure herbivore...

    2) Humans were not meant to drink any part of another animal species lactated milk. It's disgusting, it's like a strange man or lion coming up to a mother and drinking her milk. Sounds disgusting right.

    3) Fish can feel too, they are suffocated when taken out of water. Again we don't have the right to judge another...

    I became Vegan for these reasons and for health reasons.

  4. i feel the same thing but the problem is that there is no one who is going to listen to me.

    the only thing i can do is pray to good.And whenever i get chance i strongly go against this things.

  5. Just take some time to think about all the people who suffer in the world everyday. All the homeless and hungry children who go without necessities like food and a warm bed to sleep in while I'm in a warm house with hot food whenever I want it. How about all the children that are beaten and horribly abused by the very people that are supposed to care for them while I've always had a loving mom and dad? I don't think it's fair loving people who desperately want to have a family try for years without success while everynight, somewhere is a baby that nobody is holding and loving. And I don't understand how we can be living in a world with the technology to send people to the moon,and yet there are still people dying of horrible diseases like cancer. How about all the elderly people who can't afford the medicines they can't live without? Or all the people in third world countries who know nothing but war and violence everyday while I live in a country where I've always been happy and free. I could go on and on. THESE are the things I think are unfair. THESE are the things I pray to God to change. THESE are the things that make me cry and want to do more. THESE are the things that make me feel so depressed and helpless and feel guilty for feeling like that because for godsake, IT'S NOTHING COMPARED TO WHAT THE PEOPLE WHO LIVE THROUGH IT FEEL EVERYDAY OF THEIR LIVES. So, to answer your question of have I ever felt like you? YES AND NO. I adore animals, but my priorities are a little different.In a world where HUMAN BEINGS are victims of horrible pain, tragedy, and injustice everyday, you'll have to forgive me if I don't have enough tears left to shed over a chicken in a cage. Ypu know what doesn't make sense to me? How there are all these people who can dedicate their entire lives to making the world a better place for animals, preaching about saving the spotted owl and crying over a neglected goldfish in a bowl somewhere that nobody's saving, and yet, never take the time to make a single mention about how sad they are and what they'd like to do about all the pain that exists for their fellow man everyday.

  6. Why don't you just stop eating?  I don't mean forever, just a couple years.

  7. My mom always buys eggs at trader joes.

    Where the chickens aren't harmed.

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