
Vegetarians and vegans...?

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have you ever had a disagreement or argument with a significant other over your dietary choices?




  1. Never. I'm vegan and my boyfriend is a meat eater. We respect each others choices and everything works out just fine.

    If either of us had a problem with the other's dietary choices we wouldn't be together.

  2. No.  That would be as silly and unproductive as arguing over each others favorite color.  What you eat is a personal choice, and no one else should have any worries about it.

  3. No.  I was married to a meat eater and my current relationship is with a meat eater.  Both of them (and the men I've dated more casually in between) have been respectful of my choice and lifestyle.  In return, I'm respectful of theirs.  I do 95% of the cooking, so my boyfriend is near vegan at home and he's OK with that.

  4. Yep. My ex was always harping on me to make sure we had some kind of meat with every meal (usually beef). Now, my daughter and I sometimes go a whole week before we even have a piece of chicken (the only meat we eat).

  5. yes they constantly ask why but my feeling toward animals still haven't changed

  6. actually no

  7. No...never.

    When I first became a vegetarian, my bf at the time was more than supportive. He enjoyed the meatless meals I made and was even an important part in helping me make the change - he assisted me with making seitan for the first time, introduced me to tamari, whole-wheat pasta and soy cheese...all are things that I still use today.

    The bf after him was (I believe) a bit amused that I didn't eat meat. He was always okay with it and never put me down or made fun of me. He was one of those, "But we have canine teeth" type people. I didn't put him down or disrespect his point of view and desire to eat meat. We just had an understanding and respected each other's choice.

    Since I've been a vegan, I've not had a bf, but I'm sure it won't be an issue. I think there are so many other, heavy relationship issues to be concerned about (like fidelity, compassion, respect, etc.) I don't see why people would spend their time disagreeing about such things.

  8. My ex was rude about it sometimes saying he's going to spike my food.

    And most times i wouldn't kidd him unless he brushed his teeth....

    Hopefully i'll get a vegetarian boyfriend next...

  9. No. I'm a vegetarian and my husband isn't. He enjoys my creativity in the kitchen. He'll get meat if we dine out or once in awhile he'll prepare a meat/seafood entree in addition to the meal I've prepared.  The only issue once in awhile is the smell if he's searing a steak or something- I'll have to leave the kitchen.

  10. No, my wife eats seafood but she wants to raise our baby vegan and hopes that it will motivate her to stick to a vegan diet.

  11. I can't be in a relationship with someone that is not veg. It's not a dietary choice for me, it's a moral choice. For me it would be the same as dating a criminal.

  12. Yes - but not just about mine - his as well.

    I was still eating meat now and again back then - and he was presenting himself as one thing online but was actually living something else.

    When I had to go on the epilepsy meds - solved the problem of my meat eating (side effect - doesn't mix well with animal proteins).  By then - he had made other arrangements from online with someone else.  Now the other person can deal with it - no longer my problem.

    In few words - problems solved.

  13. Not my significant other, but my family is rather old fashioned. They either refuse to read or watch the truth behind meat. Don't know, dont wanna know.

  14. nope

  15. Yes but I was right and I have proof!

    My proof he is now a vegetarian as well! Ha!

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