
Vegetarians favorite meal?

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my girlfriends birthday is coming up in 2 weeks and i would like to cook her a meal. she is a vegetarian i am not, hence the q, for im not sure what would be an extra special meal. i would just like some suggestions and keep in mind i am terrible at cooking so please something nice and simple.




  1. try some baked veggies with a nice gravy and wine?

    its simple and you can serve with rice or pasta

    you could try a dairy free choc desert

  2. Pasta! It's elegant yet simple. If you can, go to Whole Foods and get vegan meatballs by the Whole Foods brand (I think it's called Whole Kitchen?) and just cook up some angel hair pasta. In a separate pain, put some of the vegan meatballs in there and smother it in pasta sauce so the meatballs will cook but not burn. They take about 15 minutes on low to defrost in the sauce. The sauce should bubble alot too and stir often. Serve with some garlic toast or italian bread. It's extremely simple and she will love it as long as she likes pasta! And to make it look pretty, sprinkle some parsley flakes on top.

  3. That's impossible to answer w/o more info. You can't lump vegetarians all together any more than you can omnivores. Some people love chicken and hate pork, some love all meats, some won't touch fish.

    Well, some vegetarians are heavy into meat substitutes like Boca and Quorn, some adore tofu, some eat dairy and eggs, others go heavy on beans and legumes. We're all different. Haven't you ever noticed what kind of things she eats?

    If I had to make a guess, I would say you can hardly go wrong with a nice salad with varied ingredients including some beans or chickpeas, cheese if she eats it, and nuts for crunch-maybe a nice loaf of crusty bread on the side.

  4. Curried tempeh over rice. A nice house salad with a homemade vinaigrette , a baguette and some nice red Wine.

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