
Vegetarians food help? Dealing with meaty people.

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I've been a veggie for 4 days now, and I really enjoy it.

I feel happier, and I don't miss meat at all.

I've been eating veggie burgers, vegetable, and soy meat.

I really enjoy soy milk too, but I'm not going vegan.

Anyone have any suggestions of what to eat besides vegetable?

And do people give you c**p for being a veg head? Everyone think I'm doing it to be "cool", and being douches about it.




  1. If people are giving you c**p, they probably feel like you're giving them c**p. Whether one intends to or not, if a person discusses their reasons for being a vegetarian, they often sound like they're judging people who eat meat. Then people who eat meat get defensive. I see this happen a lot. The vegetarian says, "I just don't think an animal should have to die so I can eat." The meat eaters hear, "I don't think any animals should die for anyone to eat. Why are you eating a dead animal you selfish person?" Silly? Maybe. But there actually are some vegetarians out there who think like that.

    Do your best to ignore the people who are being nasty. That's probably the best way. If someone offers you something with meat, just say "No thanks!" If they ask why, tell them, honestly, that you're a new vegetarian. If they ask you why you're a vegetarian, explain in as general a way as possible your reasons. You could say, "It's for health reasons." Or, "It's for environmental/ethical reasons." I would advise against elaborating if this discussion is happening at the dinner table. (It's a rather charged and loaded situation for discussing eating habits and people are a lot more likely to be sensitive and assume that you're judging them for what they're doing.)

    I guess I've been lucky in this regard. I don't usually get much c**p about it. Sure, a lot of people don't understand why I'd want to give up meat, but most people aren't jerks about it. When they are, it's because they think I'm being a jerk. (When I run into someone like that, I just avoid the subject.)

  2. no one give me really bad c**p its more of "seriously? no meat?" then followed by weird looks like im missing out on something

    but in reality theyre the ones missing out! lol

  3. I'm sorry Jessica.  I am a vegan and meat eaters can be so ignorant.  They just don't understand.  They can't accept it so they make fun of it.  If they can't be positive then they shouldn't say anything.  Congratulations on making such a wise choice.  I eat beans and rice, vegetarian chili, cereals and pastas that are protein enriched, seeds and nuts, and protein shakes.  You know, don't worry about what others think.  Yesterday my father made a comment that before I became a vegan I was skinny.  I weigh the same that I always have.  I think he was just trying to bring me down but I was the better person and I just ignored his comment.  You have to be the better person and just ignore them.  Soon they will take the hint.

  4. Just don't be preachy about it and ignore those jerk's!

    BTW Kudo's! veggie burger's rock!!!

  5. If they give you that "rabbit food" c**p, just tell them to pick up a book on the origins of humans. The vast majority of our natural sustenance was vegetation, particularly plant roots. That’s why human enamel is so tough. It’s developed to endure all the abrasive grit that comes with dealing with root veg, our so-called rabbit food. We actually ate very little meat if any at all. That’s why our canine teeth are so pathetically small in comparison with all our primate cousins.

    Failing that, just do what I did when I was receiving more c**p than I could take about certain things. Take up boxing and get good at it. Not to take anybody out, but to gain confidence when it comes to dealing with people in a verbal conflict. It is so much easier to come back with a witty reply when you know you could knock them out if they got nasty about it. People will also be a lot slower with any replies, just in case they upset you (not that that you should ever react in that way). Also for the sake of argument, if you do get good at boxing, bulk up, and move up a weight category. When people hear you’re a veggie and see your brawn, and want to mock the veggie thing, they’ll have no grounds to stand on. The worst you could probably get is “you imagine the size on him if he ate meat!” Although if you do take up boxing and get good, don't become arrogant with it, I've seen that ruin loads of good men.

  6. When you gaze upon my meaty you will be cured.

  7. Being a veggie is not just about salad! I've found that too much soy doesn't agree with me. I eat all kinds of food, from Indian to Mexican. I'm Italian so I make a lot of pasta and risotto. I like quiche and souflle also. I like beans and rice, I make a mean veggie chili and corn bread. I collect cookbooks (veggie) and they give great ideas. Have fun!

  8. There is a lot to eat, research using cookbooks and looking up recipes online. Look up cultures with an emphasis on vegetarianism eg. Indian.

    If everyone knows you're a vegetarian after four days, I can only come to the conclusion that you told everyone. Bad idea! You tend to sound like you think that you are better than everyone else for not eating meat. Maybe you aren't but loudly announcing it doesn't look good for you.

  9. Good for you! It's nice to hear another person is becoming vegetarian. Who cares what other ignorant people think. Tell them that you don't bother them about what they eat, so why should they bother you?

  10. people will never understand unless they become vegetarian...yes, people always give me c**p about being a vegetarian, its always like "your a vegetarian?" "so whats for lunch, a ham sandwich?" or something really mean....there is nothing to be ashamed about when you are a should love it and don't stoop to other ppl's levels. Congratulations! you and every vegan and vegetarian are making this one awesome planet :)

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