I have been thinking about becoming a vegetarian, but when people ask me why i would want to i tell them because God didnt really intend for animals to be treated so horribly for our satisfaction to have food when there are other choices....
but the other day one of my close friends pointed out this bible verse which i have never really thought much about.
Gen. 9:3-5
"Every moving thing lives shall be food for you. I have given you all things even as the green herbs"
So God is saying that we should eat meat because thats what he put them here for, so why do vegetarians say that they dont eat meat because they werent meant to be eaten...?
i have just been pretty confused and dont really know what to say when people ask me why i want to become a vegetarian, so if someone could please clarify the question above and also give a little input on why you are a vegetarian...