
Vegetarians have more endurance than meat-eaters?

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Is this true? It seems like it would be, since animal products are harder for the body to break down than plant products. Is anybody a vegetarian athlete?




  1. both veggies and meat-eaters are healthy. it is the matter of how many nutrients you are taking from each, either plants or animals.

  2. I've been on both sides of the coin and I can say that my body is much more efficient in burning engery now than what it was when I ate meat.

    I'm not a triathlete or anything, but I do work out 6 days a week. I lift heavy and I do intense cardio. I can tell you that EVERYthing is different from the amount I sweat, to the slower onset of muscle fatiguue that I experience. I think I personally have more endurance. I can't speak for all of us, though.

  3. HAHAHA you have to be kidding i went vegan for about a month and i felt like sshhhhhiiitttttt. More endurance HAHAHAHAHA ROFLMAO i can usally run the mile in round 5:40ish(yes 5 minutes) and i tried running the mile 3 times while being vegan and the closest i got was 6:30. Yes almost 1 whole min slower, which is a lot. I was benching 280lb and when i became vegan i could only bench 240lb. more endurance HAHAHA

  4. They are certainly just as built if not more so.

  5. If it makes you feel better to believe that help yourself.

  6. It's true for me, I've been a vegetarian since February and I've noticed the difference.

  7. A couple people on here have said no, but I don't think they have ever tried being vegetarian.

    I have experienced the difference myself.  I noticed that after I went from meat-eater to vegan I was able to hike 5 miles in the hills without stopping and I was hydrated almost the whole way (I took one sip of my water).  Before I could hike just as far, but I was a wreck afterward.  Now it's no big deal, I climb back in my car afterward and do the rest of my weekend things.

    I'm no athlete but I have noticed a huge difference in my endurance and stamina.

  8. From personal experience, yes. Perhaps because of the fiber in whole grains and the protein in nuts, which I eat a lot of. But it could be attributed to more natural, slower-releasing sugars found in whole, fresh fruits and vegetables rather than lack of meat, since I have not drunk soda or gatorade for as long as I've been vegan. I think meat was filling enough that I never ate enough sugars from fruits and grains, and was trying to run on pure protein and my body was screaming at me.

    I mountain bike, often four hour rides involving riding up to the tops of mountains, and do two hour trail runs, and I do not worry about crashes anymore. I only take water, and one granola bar in the bottom of my backpack case of an unforseen crash, but I have not eaten it in over a year (maybe it's time to replace it, huh?) It used to be I got shaky and hypoglycemic after about an hour.

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