
Vegetarians healthier then Meat Eaters?

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I am doing a debate on Vegetarinas are heathier then Meat Eaters (omnivores).

Im on the affirmative side( not by choice) and am stuck. Any points will be taken with the utmost gratitude.




  1. maybe, because they get so many nutrients and vitamins from all the fruit and vegetables they eat.

    plus, they don't have to worry about consuming mercury, steriods, and other toxins found in meat today.

    meat can have growth hormones, which is also not good for the body; vegetables do not have those.

    and vegetarians generally have lower weight problems than meat-eaters; obesity is less common.

  2. I have been a vegetarian for eight years. I have had three babies (remained vegetarian throughout pregnancy and nursing). All of my babies are perfectly healthy and good size kids. I have managed to always lose my baby weight within 4 months. Being a vegetarian has made it so much easier to stay healthy and maintain my weight.

  3. check out fast food nation it will make you change your ways look at how many fast food joints offer cheeseburgers chicken sandwiches and other unhealthy foods people that eat their every day even at burgerking where its grilled not freid are extremely obese

    let me ask you this have you ever seen an obese vegetarian?


    look up lists of vegetarian stars here is just a few did you know rob zombie is one

  4. I'd like to intially say that Vegetarians are more healthier but I'd have to say meat eaters might be more healthier.  Given there are a lot of different types of meat out there fish for example is very healthy and gives you the much needed energy that the body needs.  Vegetables granted are good for you but don't always give you the energy you need to keep fit that meat can give you.

  5. i am a vegitarian and i love my life! im mad about the fact people think u need meat in ur life..if anything it makes u fat and u can get proteins from alot of other things spinach,soy beans etc...meat industrys used africa as an example u need meat in ur life which is B.S

  6. Look up studies on leptin.

  7. Vegans/vegetarians:

    Less likely to have heart problems, obesity, cancer...

  8. While you say veges is better than meat cause meat has toxins in it, okay, obviously you don't grow any veges or fruits.   Remember DDT? And there is a whole swack of chemicals that are used on gardens(while not DDT anymore around here, veges don't come from around here) it will astound you...of the stuff put into the soil to keep the bugs from eating the fruit.   Bug killer/people killer - how much difference is there really?       They say it is safe( in that it is within allowable limits)  Who the heck is making the limits anyways?     Toxins in the meat.   Same deal. Whether it be mercury (which we introduced, or DDT which we introduced, hopefully the animals that die, don't make it to the dinner plate)

       Ah well, I try to have a balanced meal, some meat and veges and fruit.( as unrefined and unprocessed as possible) I know what I put into it.

  9. Vegetarians are, on average, twenty pounds lighter than their meat-eating counterparts.  

    Vegetarians have very low risk of ischemic heart disease and atherosclerosis, diabetes, some forms of cancer, stroke, obesity, osteoporosis, etc.

    Vegetarian life expectancy:

    Most vegetarians live to about the same age as meat-eaters, but often they are less afflicted with chronic diseases.  Vegetarians live healthy lives until death, where many meat-eaters suffer debilitating diseases for years before death.

    Some vegetarians live much longer than the average meat-eater.  Take for instance, the Seventh-Day Adventists ( a religious group that lives a vegetarian lifestyle).  They have life expectancies up to ten years longer than average meat-eaters and this comes from their healthy diet, exercise, faith, and community.

  10. meat eaters are healther then vegetarians because there are certain nurtrients in meat (like protien) that plants don't have.  most vegetarians need to take supplements to stay healthy because of lack of these nutrients. but, on the vegetarian side they have less skin problems and clearer skin.

  11. People who eat a balanced diet (of meat and vegatables) Are healthier. People who eat just veggies are unhealthy because they don't get the protein only found in meat. My brother is  a Food Bioligist or whatever. We talk alot about this alot.

  12. meat nowadays is full of toxins because of the induced diet and the stress caused to animals because of a small area to move - stress increases adrenalin which when human ingests it causes various problems

  13. Sometimes... Sometimes not..

    It depends a lot on when you choose to become vegetarian.

    Many people that decide to make the switch in their teen years often cut out the meat and amp up the junk food. But that's the world we live in. It's not uncommon to grab whatever is there because it's more convenient than figuring out how to handle fruit, and teens will usually do whatever they want.. I know people that grew up vegetarian and they're very particular about what they eat and a few people that switched when they were beyond their 30s are doing fairly well too.

    Sometimes I think people that eat meat actually do have more variety even if neither of us are eating healthy.. They will crave something meaty and go for it and it seems less common for vegetarians to go hunt down an apple. I've met vegetarians that can live off of cheese ravioli for a month (and I'm one of them too haha), but I've never come across a meat eater than can only have meat to munch on. They need bread for their sandwich, noodles for their meatballs.. It's like they're more inclined to make something than we are..

    So... in some respects vegetarians are healthier.. and in some respects people that eat meat are healthier..

    Isn't it fun when there's not a clear answer? x]

    I think it's more a matter of will power...

  14. Loma Linda University and Medical center has been studying the health and life expectancy of vegetarians and meat eaters for over 125 years....

    Meat eaters have more health problems and much lower life expectancy...65-80 yrs.

    Vegetarians have less health problems and life expectancy of 90-100 years...

  15. No they are not. This question has been asked a hundred times and no one seems to understand that it is NOT your diet, it is what you do in addition to your diet.  Now, if you took a vegetarian and an omnivore (same s*x/weight/age, etc) and put them on nothing but a couch potato activity mandate, the vegetarian will come out ahead.  

    Every farmer I've ever dealt with ate meat their whole lives, but they worked their arses off from sunup to sundown, and lived quite a long time.

    It's not what you eat, it's what you do in between eating.

  16. I went vegetarian and then vegan starting 8 years ago and I'm a lot leaner than I used to be and I *never* get sick anymore. As a meat eater I was chubby and if an illness was going around, I got it. I also have a lot more energy, which leads me to being more active, which means I'm much happier with my life.

  17. Answer is 'yes' provided the vegetarian eats correctly. If he/she consume a lot of artificial food like mock meat or can food, fried stuff or junck food, I think he/she die faster than the meat eater.

  18. Generally speaking, yes. But realize that just being a vegetarian isn't a free pass to health, you still need to eat right. I know a couple vegetarians that are overweight because they have the sweet tooth and love their cheese a little too much.

    I however don't think it's only because of the diet, also lifestyle has much to do with it. On average, vegetarians are much more health conscious than people who just eat whatever, so they are more likely to make better health choices overall.

    Also don't let people fool you into saying that vegetarians lack protein in their diet, that's a bunch of BS. There are many good sources of protein found in plants and well, for vegetarians (non vegan) eggs are still on the menu. Since going vegetarian I've had greater strength/muscle gains than I've ever had on a diet consisting of mostly meat protein.

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