
Vegetarians only.?

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My older sister and I keep this agreeing if vegeterians can or can't eat eggs, so just to end it can vegetarians eat eggs?

P.S. You can criticize us because we're fighting over a silly thing.




  1. there are certain "levels" of vegetarians. The ones that eat eggs are called " ovo-vegetarians". they eat eggs but not dairy! and usually vegetarians that eat eggs eat organic and humane eggs! hope that clears up your little quarrel!

    other types of vegetarians:

    Fruitarian : only eat fruits

    Pure or strict vegetarian


    Lacto-ovo vegetarian:eat dairy and eggs

    Lacto vegetarian : no eggs yes dairy

  2. Hindus and Jains from India who practice Ahimsa (non-violence) did not eat eggs and considered them the same as meat.

    The American and British defintion of "vegetarian" created in 1847 considered eggs non-meat.

    It's a matter of personal preference and culture.

    My wife is Hindu, I'm not. We never cook eggs. It is part of my culture, but I developed a distaste for eggs since childhood and I would rather not eat them. I don't think it's big deal if some vegetarians eat eggs.

  3. haha u funny..vegetarians can. vegans can't

  4. Vegetarians can't eat any animal meats, so no fish, pork, beef etc.

    Vegans can't eat any animals or animal products, so no fish, pork and beef, but also no milk, eggs and cheese etc.

  5. i'm a vegetarian and i don't eat eggs. i think that's breaking the rules. lol. others may beg to differ....

  6. Lacto-ovo and ovo vegetarians CAN but vegans cant.

  7. vegetarians = yes if they want 2

    vegans = no

  8. Not really silly... it depends on what type of vegetarian you are.   Regular Vegetarians do eat eggs and even cheese.. no animal died to get these.  Extremist Vegetarians also called near Vegans usually don't eat eggs or cheese but they can.  I'm a Vegetarian and I do eat the odd egg and occasionally have cheese! I could call myself a near vegan but I'm not vegan!  Vegans are the ones that don't eat any animals or anything from animals! ( I guess you type too fast sometimes as you have wodering.. you probably ment wondering as wodering  means exploring the unknown areas.

    Scoobie Doo a Carton dog does alot of wodering!)

  9. Most vegetarians eat eggs.  Some vegetarians eat "humane eggs" only, (eggs from uncaged chickens).  Vegans can't eat eggs at all.

  10. Vegetarians CAN eat anything they want.. the label is just a description of how they live..

    Some vegetarians CHOOSE to eat eggs without fear of losing the "cool" label..

  11. It is an ovo vegetarian that eats eggs.

    A vegetarian does not eat anything from an animal.

    A vegan does not eat or buy anything that includes animals.

    I am a raw vegan, but I choose to still eat honey. It is a personal choice what you choose to eat, not what something says you should be.

  12. vegans can't eat eggs, vegetarians can

  13. I won't criticize you.  I was a vegetarian and now I am a vegan so I will settle this.  A vegetarian doesn't eat meat but can have dairy and eggs.  A vegan has no meat, dairy, or eggs.

  14. vegetarians yes.- if you want to

    vegans no.


  15. Yes, vegetarians can. They don't have to, but yes.

    The easiest way to look at it is like this:

    Vegetarians don't eat foods that come from dead animals.

    Vegans don't eat foods that come from living animals, either.

  16. Strict vegetarians do not eat eggs or dairy.

    Ovo-vegetarians eat eggs

  17. it depends on if you want to not eat anything made by annimals like milk,icecream,yougert,eggs and so on. If you think that is wrong then yes. I am a vegetarian and eat eggs and milk and ice cream stuff like that. I think being a vegetarian is about not eating living annimals so i vote a veggie can eat eggs.
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