
Vegetarians only?????????

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what are the reasons that u became vegetarian/vegan??




  1. i was born into a vegetarian family. my parents and grandparents are vegetarians.

    so i grew up not taking any meat.

    i do not dare to take meat now.

  2. I became a vegetarian because I don't believe that animals were put on this earth for us to eat. I believe that we should be taking care of them. And, when people make the point that animals eat other animals in nature, they forget to point out that only humans have the ability to tell right from wrong.

    Also, the way animals are brutally slaughtered  is horrifying to me. There is no excuse for the way many animals are treated in the slaughterhouses.

  3. 1.Because there are lot of vegetables to eat on the earth.

    2.You do not like to kill other animal,

    3.Every body has right to live on earth.

    4.One do not want to live like animal ( Lion, tiger etc...)

    5. We measure power, in  Horse power not Lion power.

    6. one do not want to be ill because eating diseased animal.

  4. by birth i am vegetarian

    and i feel whenever i look some non-vegetarian's better be like this

    why can't non-vegetarian's think of hurting animal's

  5. Well first thing that made me become one was that I couldnt stand the thought of the poor animals being raised just to be slaughtered. I had a phase i was going through and watched a Faces Of Death showed the slaughter house..horrible. So that was the first reason..the other reason is simply that it's healthier.

  6. It is good, fresh, simple, cheap, easy, digestive etc.

  7. Factory farm cruelty, plain and simple. Organic free range is the only meat I would tolerate.

  8. if u want to develop ur health you have to become vegetarian.

  9. the digestion process of meat alone is enough to make me gag.

    I guess everything is good in moderation, but I have never been one for moderation.

    Plus have you had tofutti?

    it really is better than the real thing....


  10. animal suffering

  11. i am a vegetarian . i didn't become one. of course i have tasted nonveg & i didn't like it. & i don't like killing animals to feed ourselves when we can live without harming a vegetarian & be healthy.

  12. honestly, because i love animals, and i dont want to be a hypocrite, you know? i live in a really rural area, and my neighbors have a farm with at least twenty cows. the cows constantly give birth, so i drive by almost everyday to see the calves nursing on their mothers. it's such a beautiful thing to see... until you notice the tags on their ears. that's just sickening to me. how these animals, that have families, babies, and LIVES end up on our plates just because we have the ability to kill them, and they are okay for us to eat. i was constantly complaining on how much my neighbors disgusted me, until my brother basically said "well, you eat burgers, so you cant complain." i realized that he was right, and i knew something had to change. so i ditched meat, right then and there. now i can drive by my neighbors house without guilt, hoping he burns in h**l for killing his pets!!

    haha... okay, maybe not that harsh. but im really passionate about animals and nature, and anyone that tries to destroy or hurt it... its just sickening to me.

    i hope you are asking this question because you are tempted to become a vegetarian! you should totally do it. it's a really healthy lifestyle, too, and you'll feel better about what you're doing. kudos!

  13. dear vegetarian hoo. par kabhi kabhi egg kha leta hoo wo bhi winter time me usme koi kuch nahi hota

  14. 1) It's horrible to kill animals to eat them.

    2) Healthier, (eat peas and be and for protein.)

    3) Better for the economics and environment

  15. When i was littel i never really liked meat and then i found out it was Animals me being a nimal lover hated that then i watched the Simpsons and lesa became a Vegertainren and then i became one so i did not have 2 hert animals....

    I am so glad to be vegertarian!!!

    knowing it has its up and downs!!!!

  16. i am not vegetarian myself but the reason one might become a vegetarian is because of animal cruelty.

  17. I'm a vegetarian except for when I eat meat. :DDDDDD

  18. Because I don't want to eat anything with a face - in other words - a living creature.  And it's more healthy to eat vegan.  And you'll most likely lose weight - just an added benefit.

  19. I never liked the taste of meat to begin with. I hated the smell of chicken broth. I still ate meat even though I didn't like the taste but I started to have problems digesting meat so I tried to limit my meat intake and I saw how my overall health increase. The rest is history.

  20. i had a streak for about a year but then gave it up i became one because they treat animals bad

  21. Religion:Buddhist

    Health:Meat has saturated fats in it which is the worse type that leads to cancers and blocked arteries and other health problems.Our stomachs dont even have the acids like animals to digest meat thats why it rots.

    Ethical/Moral:Animals should not be eaten at all because it even says in the Bible that Gods creatures are sacred Proverb 12:15.Im a environmentalist and Animal activist

  22. i realized that eating a well balanced vegan diet is the healthiest way anyone could ever eat

  23. Each & every animal has a right to live.

    a non vegitarian should also use vegitarian food to prepare nonveg food & also to eat. he can't live without a veg food.

    Also  we can live without killing the other animals then y we should kill them?

  24. Well I always thought eating animals was bad and whenever I ate it I started thinking of little baby pigs etc. i ended up becomming pollo because chicken was my favourite food, but then i started thinking of chickens when I ate it.

    Therefore I gave up all meat and I am now vegetarian.

  25. my family members are non vegetarian but i m a vegetarian coz i don't feel like it

  26. m vegitarian by my parents

    They wont eat non veg

    so it became the habit of mine..

    that it

    simple reason

  27. Videos that I've seen in the past months showing how animals are treated.

    And because I like the Morning Star Brand foods a lot better than real meat.

  28. This.

    And, because my favourite singer is vegetarian, too. Howard Jones, from the 80s.


  29. animals are being raised just so they can be slaughted and that's horrible. i don't want to have any part of it and in other cases i can't stand the thought of eating something that died on my behalf.

  30. to be more healthy

    eating a lot of red meat is not very healthy

    and being a vegetarian i have discovered many new foods

  31. Cause' it makes all the wittle animals happy :)

    Oh, and because I feel about 100x better health wise.

    Veggie for lyyyyyyyfe!

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