
Vegetarians out there, please help.?

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okay so im writing a paper for my english class on vegetarianism, and i need an interview from a vegetarian (preferebly someone who knows alot about it and has been one for a while). if you could take this little survey, you'd be a life savor!

1)your name (first is fine):

2)age (optional):

3)how long you've been a vegetarian:

4)what kind of vegetarian are you (vegan, pescitarian, etc.):

5)why did you become a vegetarian:

6)do you feel better physically and mentally as a meat eater or a vegetarian:

7)was your transition to being a vegetarian easy or hard:

8)when you started the transition did you cut out meat completely and never go back or did you slowly cut out meat over time:

9) would you recomend becoming a vegetarian to a friend:

thats it, thanks!




  1. 1)your name (first is fine): Jay

    2)age (optional):15

    3)how long you've been a vegetarian:since january

    4)what kind of vegetarian are you (vegan, pescitarian, etc.):lacto-ovo vegetarian

    5)why did you become a vegetarian:ethical reasons

    6)do you feel better physically and mentally as a meat eater or a vegetarian:yes, much better

    7)was your transition to being a vegetarian easy or hard:easy except my parents give me a hard time

    8)when you started the transition did you cut out meat completely and never go back or did you slowly cut out meat over time:I did it overnight

    9) would you recomend becoming a vegetarian to a friend:Yep

  2. 1. ...

    2. ...

    3. 1 year!

    4. I am a lacto- ovo vegetarian,  I drink milk, eat dairy products and products made with eggs.

    5. Animal rights, tried it and felt healthier.  Health!

    6. Vegetarian, totally.  I feel less guilty since I've stopped eating meat.  I feel like I am fit better, because I've started exercising a lot more since I've gone meat free.

    7. Easy, since I have ate little meat since age 1.  I refused meat.

    8. I cut it out one day and I have never gone back except when I went to Germany.  I was almost dead then, lack of food, so I went to McDonalds.  I almost cried!

    9.  I already have!  It's working.  Some friends have ate meat free meals with me on a regular basis and love it.

    Comment:  People say that we should switch to renewable energy sources like wind energy instead of fossil fuels.  Are pigs renewable?  No!!!  Nuts are, plants are.  Besides, they don't feel pain when they are chopped down for food.

    Hopes this helps!

  3. 1. Alyssa

    2. 13

    3.over a year

    4.almost vegan

    5.because i saw videos, documentories, and others on how incredibly cruel animals in slaughter houses are treated. and one day before i started researching, it just kind of hit me : ive been eating flesh of another living creature.

    6.i feel better mentally and physically as a vegie

    7. it was super easy..i just thought about how by not eating meat, i was saving an animals life

    8. i cut it out completely

    9. yes i would! becoming a vegetarian saves over 100 animals lives a year. everyone makes a difference!!

  4. 1. Alyssa

    2. 18

    3. 6 years

    4. lacto-ovo

    5. becuase i love animals - this is my quote - animals are my friends and i dont eat my friends.

    6. as a vegetarian becuase i know that an animal didn't die for me to eat each day.

    7. easy - its the people that cook for you that it is hard on, if you believe that what you are doing is right, then its not hard.

    8. cut out meat completely

    9. only if they believe that animal cruelty is wrong. you cant be a vegetarian just beacause someone told you to, it doesn't achieve anything

  5. 1)your name (first is fine): analleli

    2)age (optional): 15

    3)how long you've been a vegetarian: 3 months

    4)what kind of vegetarian are you (vegan, pescitarian, etc.): lacto-ovo vegetarian

    5)why did you become a vegetarian: animals, health, environment

    6)do you feel better physically and mentally as a meat eater or a vegetarian: vegetarian.

    7)was your transition to being a vegetarian easy or hard: easy, mentally. but hard, because my family eat meat like everyday.

    8)when you started the transition did you cut out meat completely and never go back or did you slowly cut out meat over time: cut out meat completely.

    9) would you recomend becoming a vegetarian to a friend: OF COURSE!

  6. 1)your name (first is fine):

    2)age (optional): older than you guys

    3)how long you've been a vegetarian: 3yrs

    4)what kind of vegetarian are you (vegan, pescitarian, etc.): Pescetarian, but mostly veggies. Seafood about once every two or three weeks....shrimp, lobster, crab, etc.. Not big on fish.  

    5)why did you become a vegetarian: Never was really big on meat anyways. Wanted to get into top shape without the sluggishness that I frequently felt after eating meat.

    6)do you feel better physically and mentally as a meat eater or a vegetarian: Vegetarian.

    7)was your transition to being a vegetarian easy or hard: Easy. Easier than I thought. There are A LOT of tasty alternatives out there for the vegan/vegetarian these days.

    8)when you started the transition did you cut out meat completely and never go back or did you slowly cut out meat over time: Cut it out completely...and even before that didn't do a lot of red meat anyways, mostly fish and quality chicken cuts.

    9) would you recommend becoming a vegetarian to a friend: Already have.

  7. 1)your name (first is fine):michelle

    2)age (optional):14

    3)how long you've been a vegetarian:4 years(started vegan 2 weeks so far)

    4)what kind of vegetarian are you (vegan, pescitarian, etc.):vegetarian now vegan

    5)why did you become a vegetarian:aniimals just grossed me out to no i was eating the flesh of a living thing.

    6)do you feel better physically and mentally as a meat eater or a vegetarian:mentally so much knowing i did not take someones life away for my pleasure to eat makes me feel a lot better.and everytime i tell someone im vegan i feel so proud of myslelf.physically to.meats are fatty adn gross and just not healthy with all the hormones and steriods they give now.

    7)was your transition to being a vegetarian easy or hard:easy!!!deffiantly easy.

    8)when you started the transition did you cut out meat completely and never go back or did you slowly cut out meat over time:i cut down all day i just decided im done with it.i already hardly ate meat bc i always felt bad and gross.

    9) would you recomend becoming a vegetarian to a friend:yes.infatc i convicned 3 of my friend this year to become veg.i just showed them peta vids of what animals really go through for there pleasure of eating there flesh.and i told them how easy it was for me.

  8. 1)your name (first is fine): Lindsay

    2)age (optional): 14

    3)how long you've been a vegetarian: About Three years.

    4)what kind of vegetarian are you (vegan, pescitarian, etc.):

    I'm not sure the title, but I don't eat any meat (and that means no fish). I do use dairy and eggs, though. But I don't eat gelatin of any sort.

    5)why did you become a vegetarian:

    I didn't like meat, it was a healthier option and it seemed more humane.

    6)do you feel better physically and mentally as a meat eater or a vegetarian:

    I honestly don't notice too much of a difference. This might be because I don't really remember 'pre-vegetarian' too well health-wise. I'll say this much that before I was vegetarian, I would get hit with HUGE sickness that knocked me out of school for a couple weeks like once a year. I have not experienced anything of the sort since, but I'm not sure if that's directly related.

    7)was your transition to being a vegetarian easy or hard:

    Most of it was pretty easy. I stopped eating red meat when I was 6 or 8, which was about five to three years before I was vegetarian. So, it was really only cutting out gelatin, which was a little tough at first, fish, which I had no problem with, and poultry. Poultry was a bit tough at first as I used to love Orange Chicken, but after two months or so, it was easy.

    8)when you started the transition did you cut out meat completely and never go back or did you slowly cut out meat over time:

    Well, I think cut it out completely, but I had cut out Red Meat like years before. I'm not sure what you would count it as, but to me I just completely went Cold Turkey.

    9) would you recomend becoming a vegetarian to a friend:

    I think vegetarianism is a personal choice. I think if they WANT to be a vegetarian, are educated in it and CHOOSE to, then they are free to do so and I'd say 'Yeah, go for it.' But I would recommend they research it, get to know the facts, and educate themselves first. You have to know the proteins that you need and how to get them. So, yeah, if they wanted to, I'd encourage them to do so, but I would never push anyone if they didn't want to. I think it's pointless doing that.

    Well, I hope I could help!


  9. Well i WAS a vegitarian so i'll answer it

    1 maria

    2 18

    3 i was for just 2 years

    4 i kept dairy products

    5 it was a new years resolution (which lasted 2 years lol)

    and because i had low self

    6 as a vegetarian i was so deprived and always constipated

    7 it was wayyyy easy

    8 i cut it out completely

    9 sure

  10. Many health problems result from vegetarianism

  11. 1) Rebecca

    2) 21

    3) 8 years

    4) Lacto-ovo

    5) We were dissecting a fetal pig in 7th grade and I thought that it was wrong to use a fetus for scientific purposes without the mother's consent - just like it would be for a human.  Today for me it's more that, well, I'm not opposed to people eating meat, it's the way the world has always worked.  But the way that animals are treated is atrocious.  I 'm engaged to an omnivore and I try to support farmers who treat their animals well by buying free-range, vegetarian-fed, humane meat.  I think the mass production of meat has to stop because 1) no one needs to eat that much freagin' meat anyway, and 2) it results in the unnecessary suffering of living creatures, and 3) you end up not appreciating the sacrifice of those animals' lives when meat is so widely available.

    6) No.  I've actually become protein deficient and anemic in the last few years, and I do take vitamins and eat well.  Mentally it's been rough lately because I love to cook and I feel like I'm depriving myself of living a full and satisfying life by refusing to eat meat when I do actually have options that fit with my set of values.  I will probably start to eat meat again in the future because I'm constantly tired, and to be quite frank, "that time of month" is debilitating because of the anemia.  It's really, really difficult to get all the nutrients you need as a vegetarian.  You'd have to eat beans all day, and I just don't know of anyone who really does that.  To be honest, though, I'd still call myself a vegetarian because I think my values still lie on the spectrum of vegetarianism.

    7&8) Relatively easy.  I took a year to wean off and I wasn't too hard on myself about it because I knew it was going to be difficult.  I've never seen anyone go cold turkey and succeed with vegetarianism, and believe me, I've seen a lot of people who have tried.

    9) Well, no.  What I would recommend is not trying to stick to values that someone else has defined.  I would say do what your heart feels is right and keep in mind that in order to be a healthy, satisfied human being you're going to have to make major lifestyle changes over the course of maybe ten years to really get into the groove of it.  I would say listen to a lot of different points of view.  PETA will tell you one thing, I would tell you another, a hunter would have something different to say, someone who eats at McDonald's often would have their own thoughts... It's worth listening to everyone and really considering the issue before you delve deeply into something you may not be prepared or for that matter healthy enough for.  Beyond that, I harassed people about eating meat for years and they really didn't appreciate it.  It was an immature thing to do.  You have to respect other people's lifestyles if you want them to respect yours.

    I would take the opportunity to say, it's not as important to not eat meat or use animal products as it is to make sure that animals in the world - domestic animals, farm animals, wild animals - are treated well while they're alive.  There's absolutely nothing wrong with consuming meat.  There is something wrong with gorging yourself with ANY food, much less food that comes from the sacrifice of a life; and there is something wrong with propagating and intentionally remaining ignorant of a system that tortures animals.

  12. 1)your name (first is fine): nina

    2)age (optional): 15

    3)how long you've been a vegetarian:4 years

    4)what kind of vegetarian are you (vegan, pescitarian, etc.):


    5)why did you become a vegetarian:i thought eating animals was cruel

    6)do you feel better physically and mentally as a meat eater or a vegetarian: yes i do

    7)was your transition to being a vegetarian easy or hard: easy

    8)when you started the transition did you cut out meat completely and never go back or did you slowly cut out meat over time: i cut it out completely

    9) would you recomend becoming a vegetarian to a friend: yes. actually i have and most of my friends are vegetarians now =]

  13. 1- Eddie


    3-5 yrs,   08Dec02


    5-moved into my own place and couldn't stand cutting up the animal parts myself (plus others but it started their)

    6-absolutely, don't know why it took so long to make the change

    7-fairly easy,  but had a couple "mistakes" along the way.  takes time to learn what is in what.  hardest part was seeing other people I respected still eatting meat.  made me think less of many people for quite some time.

    8-cut out things over a month

    9-I have and I will continue to do so

  14. 1)your name (first is fine):Jennifer

    2)age (optional):15

    3)how long you've been a vegetarian:2 years in july

    4)what kind of vegetarian are you (vegan, pescitarian, etc.):lacto-vegetarian

    5)why did you become a vegetarian: Health, environmental issues and animal rights.

    6)do you feel better physically and mentally as a meat eater or a vegetarian: Vegetarian , I'm way stronger now.

    7)was your transition to being a vegetarian easy or hard:Easy.

    8)when you started the transition did you cut out meat completely and never go back or did you slowly cut out meat over time: I had my believes of vegetarianism and still eat meat ( scared to tell rents) but since then, never did, never will.

    9) would you recomend becoming a vegetarian to a friend: Already haved.

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