
Vegetarians out there....?

by  |  earlier

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i really really want to become one. but the problem is im still only 14 and therefor need my parents permission for just about everything i do in life wich sucks. and well my parents dont think that its a healthy lifestyle so they wont let me become one. about a year ago i got really sick because i would refuse to eat anything that came from anymals. i honestly find the idea of eating the flesh of another being revolting. so i was wondering if there was anything i could take such as vitamins or such so that i would still be getting the needed nutrients and vitamins. also if you have any sugestions on what i should do bout my parents that would be greatlly apreciated. ??????





  1. Hi

    Really look into what you need nutrient wise, my daughter is now 15 and has been veggie for three years next month, I didn't want the hassle of cooking separate meals etc. but at the end of the day its your body, and its you who looks after it and feeds it. I must admit I have supported by daughter and taught her to cook some fantastic vegetarian soups, stews and things, so when we cook say bolognaise or chili, we cook a veggie one as well. then separate it into portions and freeze it to allow her choice everyday and quickness too.  You will spend alot of time reading labels and understanding what certain ingredients are you have to avoid, but my daughter is healthy, she has plenty of vegetables, you can get multivitamins for vegetarians & vegans which she had at the beginning to help her not miss out on the stuff she needed. my daughter has a full roast dinner with or without a quorn substitute for meat, it will teach you to cook I know that. Good Luck

  2. A quick one - you need to do some research on going vegetarian from the vegetarian societies, compile all these materials into an easy readable form, let your parents read and understand more about vegetarianism, your choice.  Don't force them to take it all at once, give them time.

    You need to know exactly what worries your parents had and address those or come up with solutions to them.  You need to let them know in a nice way, why you don't like to eat meat, it could be meat look like corpses to you, that you just can't swallow them. By eating meat, you feel like your little tummy is like a mini crematorium.

    Next you need to eat wisely, if you want to be a vegetarian. As long as you are healthy, mostly likely they will not object.

    You need to gain their trust by being a person who can take good care of yourself in all aspects, so that they will can let go and let you take charge.

    All the best : )

  3. i had very reluctant parents when i bcame vegetarian @ age 11 ( now im 14 ) but what i would say is find on the net how much protein you need a day, how many calories, ect and tell your rents even as a vegetarian youll be able to get that much of what you need. Vegetarian food is sooo good now ! in almost everystore you can find soy anything, from hot dogs to chikn stps and their all healthy and delicious !! ( TRUSt me you cant live on salads and frys!!! been there done that :/) good luck!

  4. There are vegan vitamins out there that you can get from your local natural foods store or at Whole Foods.

    But vitamins are just a supplement to a healthy diet.  You need to eat lots of fruits, vegetables, grains, beans, and nuts.  To allay your parents' concerns about your health, check out the Vegetarian Resource Group (, which shows how you can get iron and calcium, and how you really don't need that much protein.  

    Until you can get a job and buy your own food, you need to do your research and then go to your parents to show that vegetarianism is a perfectly healthy diet.  And offer to help your mom cook so she doesn't have to worry about making two meals.

  5. Being a vegetarian is not unhealthy, but it is harder to get needed protein and other nutrients. I've been a vegetarian for 5 years and I feel much healthier now than when I ate meat. But it easy to make yourself feel sick if you don't know the proper way to eat vergetarian, you can't live on grilled cheese alone. Taking a multi-vitamin is a good idea and make sure your getting the right amount of protein. Rice, nuts, soy, and eggs all have good amounts of protein. You and your parents should sit down and talk more about how you feel. Maybe going to see a nutritionist with them would help both of you understand a healthy vegetarian diet. Good luck

  6. Get some books from your school library and do your research. Then set up an appointment between your mom and school counselor, or nurse. You will need to prove to your mom that you have done your research and the nurse or counselor can be there to guide you both.

    A little general advice for teens.

    - Parents are proud of their children when they see them doing their own research and learning to cook their own food.

    - They get ticked off then their children refuse to eat, or demand to start a fad diet they read about online.

  7. I was only 10 when I decided to stop eating meat~~

    you're never too young..

    I didnt have my parents permission~~ they really wanted to force me to eat meat and like made me see the doctor and she told me how my brain would grow like small = =;;

    Actually becoming a vegetarian is more healthier than someone who eats meat~~

    Maybe you can start by telling them you will be semi vegetarian?? Like excluding most meat except except for one?? start off..until they get used to it then you can become a full vegetarian~~

    You should tell them about what types of foods you can eat isntead of meat.. Like soy beans are a really good souce of u can drink like soy beans~~ or tofu~~!!

    and eat other beans , rice and legumes which are good source of proteins~and all srouces of vegetables and fruits :D

    You don't necessarily need protein or viramin supplements..if you do the doctor will be able to tell you the right ones..

    Work hard and try your best~~ Im sure you're parents will eventually see your point of view :D

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