
Vegetarians... please read.?

by Guest61731  |  earlier

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Vegetarians of all kinds, what are the criticisms that you have experienced? Whether they be from meat eaters or a higher level of vegetarianism? What obstacles have you faced and how did you overcome them? Finally, why are you a vegetarian?




  1. It's gotten to a point where I'm afraid to mention that I don't eat meat to people because they're always telling me I'm stupid and it's unhealthy. IT REALLY PISSES ME OFF.

    It's just like the issue with homosexuality; people are against them for absolutely no reason except for it's "not normal" when it really doesn't affect them at all!

    That's really the only obstacle I face.

    I am a vegetarian because I am an animal lover and refuse to put something I love so dearly into my mouth and chew on it.

  2. I am a vegetarian of 10 months after seeing some video on the news.  People only comment that there is animal overpopulation and that it is the circle of life.  I really don't tell anyone unless I have to.  I never tell anyone the real details of why I am a vegetarian and what I saw.  I don't think it is right to force my  beliefs on someone.

  3. I'm vegetarian because it's unnecessary and inappropriate for animals to suffer in order that I eat.

    Most people who criticize just haven't come to consider how it is that they get their own meat--the process that turns it from a living being to the food on the table.

    Some vegetarians think that their style of eating is more pure than that of other vegetarians, which is fine with me. The only aspect that's truly important to me, however, is that my eating not cause the death of an innocent animal.

  4. Mostly what I have experienced is being called too skinny, when I definitely am not,

    as well as being called a wuss, sissy, etc.. for not eating meat.

    I don't see how eating an animal you most likely didn't kill, and if you had, used a gun , not your hands, makes you a stronger person.

  5. because i liked the word vegiatian so i became one so i could be called a vegitarian

  6. I am a vegetarian of three years. My boyfriend, who is the biggest carnivore you'd ever meet, calls me a "goddamn hippie". I get that alot.

    Doesn't bother me in the least.

  7. I haven't received very direct criticisms but it really pisses me off with these stupid groups like "People Eating Tasty Animals", "Save A Cow, Eat A Vegetarian", etc like come on people, grow up. It doesn't even make sense so I try to just think about it and then it hits me. People who sit online and criticize other people's lifestyles by making ignorant groups aren't worth it! I am thankful that my family supports me and doesn't give me a hard time about it. I am a vegetarian because of a video I saw on the news about animal abuse in factories. I came online and looked and even more, it eventually made me sick. I can't believe the way that animals are treated, its ridiculous.

    BTW Good Questions.

  8. That because I wasn't a 'vegan' - I wasn't a good enough person to be with them (along with other things of course) - because that was the way that 'real vegans' were suppose to be (something he picked up from the internet).  Said by someone that was not even a good vegetarian that was attempting to be a vegan.

    Sort of explains my dislike of getting lost in titles vs. the individual as a whole in a nutshell.

    Why am I a vegetarian?  Because of problems caused between meat proteins and my epilepsy meds - they don't mix well.  Played around off and on again for over 30 years with it - but now don't really see any other option.

  9. I am a newly-turned vegetarian and I have experienced criticisms such as "its stupid", "you're going to end up in hospital" etc. These were from meat eaters. Obstacles I have faced are definitely the cravungs for meat. I overcame these by thinking of how many lives I'd save if I stuck with being vegetarian. And I still am (:

    I'm a vegetarian because I care for animals and also, who decided we were the superior race? What gives us the right to treat animals the way we do?

    Hope I helped.

  10. people have told me that my lifestyle is unhealthy. they say that we are meant to eat meat, blah, blah, blah. there were no real obstacles for me.

    i'm vegetarian because i dont feel right eating an animal that has been tortured to death in order to be on my dinner plate. i cant eat them knowing all the growth hormones that have been injected into them.

  11. Just typical things like:

    Where do you get protein?

    So, you eat fish?

    You must cheat sometimes!

    That is not really healthy.

    I overcome these things by ignoring them, I know I am always going to get c**p about it.

    I am proud to be a vegan for animals rights, my health, and the environment.

  12. I have been told that I am doing it because it is a fad, that I need meat, that the same amount of animals will be killed regardless if I eat meat or not.  I have also had numerous people decide to tell me stories of animal abuse that they or someone they know have done while laughing about it.  Once I had a "friend" talk about how she accidently killed a pig while performing practice surgery on him, while laughing hysterically with her boyfriend about it.  On this site I have been called lazy and uneductated among other things because I am not a vegan.

    I overcome them by knowing that I am doing all that I can for animals and it is a h**l of a lot more than most people who say they love animals will ever do.  For the most part I pretend I don't hear what people are saying when they try to talk about animals in a bad way to try to get to me, it makes them feel like idiots when they realize I never even heard them:)  

    I am a vegetarian because of the way animals are bred, raised, transported and killed for meat.

  13. mostly people tell me that the animals are going to die anyway, it doesn't make a difference that I, one person is not eating them. That someone else is going to eat them anyway, so I should to.

    I am a vegetarian becuase the thought of eating meat makes me want to barf. Eating a cow or a pig or something, would be just like eating your dog.

  14. ok i started being a vigieterian in 5 grade my mom told me a couldnt but i still did the second night my parents had kfc (this is before i knew that kfc to vegiteri\ns stands for kuntucky fried creulity) and i used to love kfc my mom said i had to make my own dinner or eat this and to me at the time it smelt so good so i ate 2 drumsticks then i found out on peta2 how bad kfc is

    my coison whos like 36 teased me on thanksgiving saying

    how good his ham was and turkey

    in gade six all year one of my classmates would chase me around the room trying to put prosessed ham in my mouth

    i started out still eating fish for the first 6 monthes but everyone was calling me a fake vegiterian because i ate fish because vegiterians dont eat anything with faces

    even one of my teachers was like do you want a hamburger or a turkey sandwhich cause they knew i was a vegiterian

    i overcame knowing i ate a poor chicken by telling my class about the creul details of kfc and how they treat there chickens 5 of the people in my class stopped eating at kfc

    i overcame my coison constint teasing by telling bhim to shut up and eat his pig butt i know that was rude but i was annoyed

    i oveercame the fish thing by stopping eating fish

    and when i ignored my classmate she stopped

    i became a vegiterian A)because in class a person (hired perfeccional) came to our class and showed us intestines and bones and hearts of dead cows

    and b) my older sister who i looked up to became one because at themeweek they made pork jcerky from scratch

    and c) i absolutly love animals

    i was called a hippie as well but took it as a compliment and said srry for wanting to save the world and called them anti-hippies lol

  15. > criticisms

    Just ignorant ones that I easily quelled with knowledge.

    > higher level of vegetarianism

    got additional knowledge from them mostly.

    > obstacles

    Society and ignorance in general

    > did you overcome them?

    no need to overcome them, they are not obstacles

    just annoyances

    most obstacles people meet up with are within themselves.

    the others are political -- be it family politics, friend politics, school politics, etc.  Just do your own thing and f*ck those that are ignorant and narrow-minded.  Goes for pretty much everything in life.

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