

by Guest65895  |  earlier

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Im just wondering why some vegetarians eat eggs? I mean it seems weird to me that people wont eat meat, but they will eat eggs. Also some eat sea food, Im not trying to be offensive I am just curious. Most people don't eat meat because the thought of it grosses them out, soooooooo how can the thought of eggs not gross them out? And how can someone be considered a vegetarian and still eat a egg? If your a vegetarian tell me your reasons for it...and if you eat eggs tell me why you don't consider that a live animal?????




  1. Eggs aren't would-be chickens.  Eggs are reproductive waste (yum!) - not the same as animal flesh, but equally (if not more) unethical to produce and consume as animal flesh.

  2. Eggs:

    The vegetarians most likely eat free-range eggs;which means that the hens were not kept in battery cages to produce eggs.The egg was also not fertilized so technically it is not a live animal.

    Sea Food:

    To most people sea food is not considered meat so they still eat it despite the fact they are vegetarians/vegans and that the sea food was once living.

    I am a vegetarian so I don't either which means that if my information is wrong I apologize.

  3. For the "transition" process , it is a good effort to reduce meat consumption, then abstain totally the meat, and dairy/egg thereafter. Eventually everyone will realize the real philosophy of vegetarianism, and that all others stem from it.

  4. Well, seeds ''would have been alive''. I know there's a difference, but the principle is the same. Eggs are suitable for vegetarians. Eggs are not meat, although I wouldn't eat them. It is the individual's choice. I guess I'm ''grossed out'' at a lot of foods other people tend to enjoy, like veal or fish. Different strokes for different folks I say. :)

  5. I'm a vegetarian of 4 years.

    Eggs have never been fertilised by a c**k rooster so it could never be chicken, just an egg. Chickens lay eggs all the time whether they're fertilised or not.

    It's like a girl having her period, we get it periodically, but it's just an egg, not a baby. Untill we have s*x and then it's a baby :)

    It's the same with birds, they lay eggs periodically but they're not chicks, just eggs.

    So we're not doing any harm. If the egss wern't eaten, they'd just be cast away because they're useless otherwise.

    It would have been alive, but it's not! It has never been harvested so it's not alive. Any of the live ones get taken away to hatch! Then get chopped up and eaten - except not by us veggies :)

  6. Vegetarians do not eat seafood.

    If someone eats seafood, they are not vegetarian.

    If someone eats eggs, they are not strict vegetarian, they are ovo-vegetarian.

    Eating eggs or dairy that is sold in stores these days is even worse than any meat sold anywhere.

  7. I am a vegetarian and have been since 4th grade.  I ate seafood up to 6th grade when I went shopping with my mom and saw one with a face!  Haha.  Ever since then I have not eaten any seafood.  I do eat eggs but occasionally for the protein, I don't love the taste of eggs, but I had the same question as you.  My friend (vegetarian also) and I went to an egg farm and learned that since they were never fertilized they aren't considered a life and that seemed okay with me.  It's like having your period, the egg gets discarded and isn't needed (I know it sounds sick but its a good way to put it).  I also eat dairy, yogurt, milk, etc. because milk comes from a cow and does not kill it.  It actually relieves that cow like it would do a pregnant women (I know, sick, but its true).  People say to me all the time, well you kill plants.  True.  But I don't think of it in that way.  I hope that answers your questions.  :D

  8. Female chickens have to lay eggs anyway. It's part of what they do. It's the equivalent of having your period. They're unfertilized unless the chicken has mated with a rooster.

  9. An egg was never fertilized, so it never was a life.  Just a piece that is needed to make a life.

    Listen, the reason I don't eat animals is that they had to suffer in order for that "food" to be created.  An egg never suffered, cause it was never a conscious being.  There's a HUGE difference.

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