
Vegetarians why do people eat animals/meat, when there are so many other food scources out there?

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I mean really, why kill animals for food if we have so many other food scources?....and not to mention the cholesterol in the meat!

Don't you think societies obesity problem would be curved just a little?

If you don't mind. Do you still eat fish as a vegetarian?




  1. Because the only real legit reason they have is MEAT IS GOOD MM MEAT MEAT DELICIOUS!!!

    vegetarians dont eat fish.

  2. im part-vegetarian. there is so much meat in every thing we eat today, its very hard. i tried going vegan once, but found it harder

    so i only eat a few meats, like chicken and turkey [thanksgiving only] and fish.

    i guess meat is turned to food because it is another way to make money. people eat it for protein, perhaps. it is rather savage when thought of..

  3. It's natural. Humans are carnivores. They have been that way since Adam and Eve. We are kinda like bears, we like fruits and veggies to.

    Some animals are bred to be ate by us. Lots of money tied up in all that. Don't want to put good hardworking people out of business, your life may depend on them someday.

    As for obesity. Let people make up their own minds on thier health choices.

      True vegetarians don't eat anything with eyes or a shell.

      Good luck.

  4. i agree. the earth would be in much better shape if we didnt eat meat, too. cuz cattle require more more grains and such than humans do, and the produce toxic fumes in their poo.  

    and yes, i did eat fish when i was a vegitarian, but only wild fish. i was having hard time eating enough protein.

  5. I know... It's horrible...

    but the responses i get is:

    its good

    why not? there raised for that

    they'll always be more of those animals...

    and if your a vegetarian you do NOT eat fish... otherwise your not a vegetarian...

  6. I am a vegetarian.  I think people eat meat because...

    1.  They think it tastes good, and that's all they care about.

    2.  They don't know any better, and were just raised eating meat, and never thought of not eating it.

    3.  They don't know/care about the many animals that are tortured.

    I don't eat fish, as they are living animals, no different from chickens, cows, ect.

  7. Meat is a nutritious source of energy and protein and humans do well on it. it would yhelp obesity if and cholesterol if we ate less of it but there is no need for humans to give it up altogether. Whilst a vegetarian diet is healthy a vegan diet is not - lacking certain essential vitamins and minerals. So even if we stopped eating meat we would still be reliant on animals for dairy products.

    A|nother point to consider is that as the human population grows so more and more animals become extinct. If we stopped cultivating animals for food these species would become extinct also and we would end up living in an overcrowded  world of just humans - how depressing.

  8. You are asking the wrong people.  

    Ask the meat eaters.

    Lions and tigers eat meat only and they are not obese as you implied.  Doctor Adkins proved that meat eaters lose weight on meat alone while carbo eaters gain on their fare.

  9. Honestly I eat meat because humans are omnivores by nature. It means our bodies are supposed to intake both plants and animals. I think it is ridiculous to suppose that obesity is because people eat meat. I was a vegetarian for awhile, just to get an idea of what it would be like and I got sick..a lot..had to take a lot of supplements and realized that you know..I just LIKE meat. I also like maintaining a healthy weight..and being a vegetarian I became underweight quickly. I understand that one should not gorge themselves on meat and that an all meat diet is not healthy. However, I also don't agree with getting self righteous about your choice. I could care less if someone chooses to be a vegetarian and I would hope people would respect non vegetarians the same. And yes we murder animals..the same way animals "murder" animals for food. Its the natural order.

  10. Why not educate yourself before posting a question like this?

    First, meat is healthy, not unhealthy. What is unhealthy, and contributes to the obesity problem is the growth hormones that food producers add. The steroids, and antibiotics. These are fed to animals to make them grow faster, so they can get them to market sooner. That is why people are obese, and kids that are 12 and 13 look like they are 25.

    Not to mention the additives that are put into our food and drink sources by food producers to make us hungry, make us fat, and make us sick.

    You must first understand that the top 1%, the richest people in the world, own the food companies, the drug companies, and the oil companies.

    Everything they do is designed to get your money. Nothing else is important to them.

    Doctors do not care about curing anything. Drug companies are not concerned with curing anything. They are concerned with having you take a drug for the rest of your life.

    Food producers that make diet foods and drinks do not care about helping you lose weight. Diet foods have a higher percentage of addditives to make people hungry than normal foods. Why? To make you fat, because fat people eat more food. Diet sodas are the number one culprit.

    On the other hand, wild game that does not depend on man-made feed, and feeds naturally in the wild is the healthiest thing you can eat. Venison, rabbit, squirrel, armadillo, all very, very healthy. Why? It is all natural. Man is not involved in its production.

    You think that eating vegetables is healthy? Think again. If you are eating processed vegetables, you are not eating healthy. Preservatives and growth hormones have been used in their growth and processing.

    Unless you are eating from your own garden, and know that you are eating organically-grown vegetables, you are just adding to the problem of obesity, because processed vegetables are just as bad as processed chicken, pork, or beef. That's a fact.

    Besides, God gave us animals to eat. Why do you think they are made out of meat?

  11. The "societies" you are referring to is but one of 192 societies that exist in this world. Unless you can personally guarantee that there will be alternatives to meat eating for every man woman and child out there, you have no right to tell them what they can and cannot eat.

    Make your own choices if you want to but don't make choices for other people and don't make them accept yours.. What you think about your world is not necessarily correct nor is it necessarily shared by people around you. In fact, with only about 10-15 of the world population being vegetarian (and not all by choice either), you way of thinking is very much in the minority.

    Just be thnakful that you have the luxury to choose. It's privelege that many people don't have and would do anything to enjoy

  12. Because meat contains vital proteins and nutrients for human health.

  13. no i don't eat fish as a veg.

    and because they just don't care... they don't care how their food is made or who has to suffer for them to have something they think tastes good.  cuz that's all it is is taste, you can get the nutrients elsewhere. in facts vegs are generally healthier and lower their risks of diseases.  so yea, they don't care, don't want to be inconvenienced, can't handle change, disassociate with where the food comes from and eating it...

  14. i know really! we need more people like you in this world. I am a vegetarian and i am doing just fine...also no i do not eat animals....i'm an organic vegetarian!! :)

  15. Because meat tastes good and often the meat that is worst for your health is also the least expensive, and cheaper than healthy or organic fresh foods.

    I doubt that stopping the consumtion of meat alone would curb the obesity issue. Fried food, high salt intake, too large of portions, and hormones in both meats and fruits and vegetables all contribute to that problem.

    Yes, I eat fish, and admittingly am not a vegetarian :) I eat poultry as well...

  16. People eat meat because they "like" the taste, and some believe that they wont live without it in their diet.  I agree that societies obseity problem could be helped by more people eating a vegetarian diet, although I believe that the obesity increase is linked to fast food meat outlets, which have increased in numbers over the years.

    I have family who are meat eaters and are not obese, but they are very careful about what they eat, and have a healthy diet, but not as healthy as my veggie one!! :)

  17. Alot of animals eat meat, not just this one.

  18. ive never met a vegetarian who didnt look skinny/sickly.  Ive never met one who i couldnt kick their ***.  If you dont eat meat then you become soft in the mind, (you lose the ability to hurt some feeling when you need to)

  19. Name One Famous Person Who Is Vegetarian:

    If the Animals are Dead Do We Just Let Them Rot:

    I will now speak 27 important words after this colon:

    Your body needs protein to survive or you will die.

    No offense  To veggies but i think you waste your life and will develop an eating disorder.

  20. Some people view animals as food. I have a relative that said that cows, pigs, chickens and sea animals are here to eat. Not to live.

    Also, some people believe it is unhealthy to not eat meat.

    And many people just don't have an opinion on animals.

    I am 15 and live in a household of people who eat meat. My dad and my brother could careless. My mom does care about animals but likes the taste of it. She only eats meat at dinner.

  21. vegans are self hating humans, we were made to eat meat,veg and grain.....check your teeth,they all have a purpose

  22. =) I think if god didn't want us to eat animals he wouldn't have made them of meat.

    JK. Kind of.

    I think people eat meat because it is so healthy for you. Not only that it tastes soooo delicious. =) mmmm I'm ordering a burger over the phone as we speak.


    Isnt that a big carnivore on your avatar

  24. Pure Ignorance and lack of self-control.

    Where do all these people live that they actually have heard that meat is good for you? Very strange.

    Anyway, yes obesity is not just from meat but meat-eaters tend to have larger bodies than vegetarians because they are more prone to eat processed foods.

    Vegetarians don't eat fish, hun.

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