

by Guest57796  |  earlier

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I just turned Vegeterian but i dont know which kind of Foods to eat. Can ANYBODY tell me which kinds of Tasty vegetables i can eat??




  1. eat what you normality would but with out meat try tofu or veggies as a healthy alternative

    buy veggie burgers/pizza try looking up recipes online

    And Amy's is a vegan brand the sell burgers pizza....etc you can frind at your store  

    don't worry you'll get used to it

    i did

  2. You can and should eat everything that you did previously - but not the ones that are animal based.

    Actually pretty simple.

    You can eat all the vegetables that you can find to buy and that you like - just don't prepare them with animal based products.

    I have a well rounded diet in vegetables, fruits, and grains every day.  I just got home from work - and I had a sweet onion, lettuce, tomato sandwich with a pickle on the side and a cup of vegetable soup (no animal based broth).  Going to hit up on some cantaloupe later on.

    There are a host of sites that you can find online to tell you the 'vegetarian food pyramid' and such - but I ALWAYS suggest to people that they really need to talk over with their doctor any changes that they are making within their life - even diet - as it can have an effect upon you and they would need to know about your lifestyle choices possibly for treatment.

    A doctor also can refer you to a dietitian/nutritionist to help you in setting up a diet that fits your personal needs and eating habits that suits the style of life that you live.  Example - I work all day - me sitting around and having time to spend hours cooking doesn't happen except on weekends - so I need easier approaches to fix what it is that I need to be healthy.  They can help you with setting up a good shopping list - suggested recipies and ways to cook things.  A great help and source of information that you will find comfort having in your corner as you make the change.

    Some vegetarians eat dairy - some don't.  Some will eat eggs - others won't.  Some will eat honey - others won't.  It can even go into personal choices in what you wear (leather vs. not wearing leather etc.)  But putting all that aside - get your diet down first.  If you are not healthy and getting your dietary needs met - the rest doesn't matter as your not going to have any energy to do anything.

  3. Subway Veggie Delight.
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