
Vegeterians eating eggs.. about that

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What's your opinon on that?




  1. They're not vegan?

  2. i'm a vegetarian and i eat eggs.

    its no big deal.

    we each have our own opinion on it.

    some people say its because they were never alive to kill anyway.

    some people say its wrong.

    i really don't have an opinion on it, i just am fourteen and i don't want to give up everything nnow.

    being vegetarian doesn't have a set of rules.

    you can do vegetarianism however you would like, whatever you beleive in.

  3. I am born vegetarian for three family generations already. We consume diary products and eggs also.

    We do not eat eggs that are fertilized, because a life has been fostered. If the eggs are from chickens raised specially for only eggs. Then the egg has no sign of life. Therefore, we can consume these types of eggs. As for diary products. Milk, is essential from protein. It's like drinking breast milk from our mother. It takes no action in slaughtering the animal in obtaining food from them.  

  4. There are different types of vegetarians. Some eat eggs, some eat milk. There are even some who call themselves flexitarians who eat fish and seafood sometimes but not red meat.

    There are many types of food restriction diets that people place themselves on, but honestly, unless they're being in-your-face holier-than-thou, I don't care what people eat or don't eat.

    It's their life, their choice.  

  5. what do you mean? we arent vegan. if you are thinking this because you believe that they are baby chickens, you are wrong. they are not babies unless they have been fertilized.

  6. Technically if the egg is not fertilized then it is not "an animal." There are different types of vegetarians who eat/do not eat different things.

  7. They can eat whatever they would like to. It doesn't matter to me what others eat.  

  8. Vegans don't  vegeterians can. Some only eat unfertilized eggs.

    Splitting hairs

  9. Different types of vegetarian. Lacto-Ovo-Vegetarians eat eggs and consume dairy. I'm just a lacto-vegetarian, so no eggs for me. Some people have different dietary requirements so it's fine with me.

    I assume you want to know if it agrees with me ethically. I was born vegetarian so my POV is a bit different. I don't like the idea of eating something previously alive..but with eggs I know they aren't going to hatch (it seems like a lost opportunity sometimes lol, an "almost" chicken...aslong as they aren't going out of their way to harm the chickens to get the eggs, I guess it's fine).

    As long as you don't make me eat it... =]

  10. It depends on why they are vegetarian and their egg sources. While eggs definitely aren't animal flesh, I question whether or not they promote the well-being of animals. The commercial egg industry is not exactly nice for chickens and contrary to popular belief, those chickens DO get slaughtered. Hens that can no longer lay eggs aren't sent to Hawaii for retirement; they're sent to be slaughtered. The baby boys that hatch aren't really useful for anything, so they get killed, too. If a person is vegetarian primarily because they don't want to support industries that kill animals, veganism is probably a more appropriate choice.

    That being said, it's up to the individual what they do and don't include in their diet. It's between them and their preferences/ethics/health.

  11. vegetarians can eat eggs because they aren't vegan. there is a difference between the two. vegans don't eat any animals or animal byproducts

  12. Well they aint Vegan.

    But it is sooo sad!

    Think about the poor inocent baby chickens!

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