
Veggie Oil in a Jetta?

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2006 Volkswagen Jetta TDI 4D Sedan

I've heard Jetta's with diesel engines will run on SVO (Straight Vegetable Oil) and WVO (Waste Vegetable Oil). Can someone tell me wassup before I go filling up my mom's Jetta with Veggie Oil? LOL!

Also, If Jetta's won't run on Vegetable oil, will I need to by a kit to get my car or truck to run on vegetable oil?

please respond ASAP




  1. My understanding is that any diesel car will run on veggie oil. You just have to add a conversion unit, that is, some heater that heats up the oil to reduce its viscosity before it enters the tank. And then you need a small tank for regular diesel, that you switch to when you start the car. I have friends who have been successfully running this system in their early 80's Mercedes for about a year.

    The classic book on this--very good--is From the Fryer to the Fuel Tank (

    There's a guy in Albuquerque who is an army engineer--really knows his stuff--and does these conversions for about $1,000, I think. Wish I could find his web site address right now. I could try and get it if you were serious and in the vicinity.

  2. Interesting idea, but where I live vegetable oil is more expensive by the gallon by far than diesel, and much more expensive to produce.  I guess if you could find enough of it used.....but it would take one h**l of a filtration system to get it clean enough for your motor.
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