
Veggies Diet... HELP!!

by  |  earlier

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Ok... So, I'm losing my patience... I've checked a bunch of web pages to see if I could get a program on what to eat...

To be strictly honest, I'm a meat eater... But, I want to become a part-time vegan... Something like; Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays I'll only eat vegetables and fruits... I'm not ready yet to fully put meat out of my life... I really enjoy it; but I decided I'll consume it less and less...

I need a diet on what to eat everyday and every meal... I don't need recipes; I found a few interesting ones in some pages... Refer me to web page or something... I remember someone once posted in this section something like this... but, I can't find it...

Please serious answers...




  1. Here's a site that has a two week sample menu. It appears to be nutritionally balanced and have some variety. Maybe you could apply it to your veg days...with 14 listings, there would be enough time between repeats that you won't be bored with it. Happy healthy eating.

  2. This is the one I like and I think the UDA has a good one too.
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