
Veggies and Veg@ns?

by Guest56347  |  earlier

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Are you all picky eaters? Where you when you ate meat? I was a totally picky eater when I ate meat and stuff but now i'm a veg@N and i'll try anything that's veg@n, I would've never tried tofu if I still ate meat and I like the taste of mock meats! Are any of you like this too?




  1. You have to be less picky cause there is less choices. You get sick of eating salads everyday right....

  2. I was a picky meat eater, but now i'll eat almost anything if its vegan

  3. Very interesting.  Yes I was extremely picky when I was a meat-eater.  I was even picky with what kind of meat I ate.  I almost never bought vegetables and fruits.  I probably only got about 1 serving of vegetables a day then, and that's it!!

    Now, I'm vegan and there's not much that I won't eat.  I even have started to like mushrooms, tomatoes, and onions, which I HATED before!  Now I regularly get all my fruit and veggie servings without even trying and I love it.  It seems like my diet has expanded so much since I went vegan, even though these foods were available before.  I just never liked them.

    Yay for veg*ns.

  4. I was when I was 12 or so. But since I grew up, Ive been able to realize that some food should be tasted first before being judge. I hate pork and beef and chicken but I liked fish before. Now, I dont even want to look at them.

  5. Love the pic, D.O.T.!  I wasn't really a picky eater when I ate meat.  I did know what I liked and what I didn't.

    Some people think that a vegan diet is limiting, but I think it opened up my eyes to so many new things I would have never enjoyed before I went vegan.  For those who don't understand veganism, we don't live on salads and plates of vegetables...although a plate of vegetables isn't a bad thing.

    I have never been so health conscious either.  I actually care about what I put into my body now.  I am careful to get enough calories and nutrients.  That was the last thing on my mind when I was an omni.

    I will also try anything that is vegan.  I love being vegan and I would never go back.

  6. yah... i never used to eat tomatos are anything but now i do because i know there really healthy. plus theres less choice. i really don't like tofu but i like like fake meats to.
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