
Veggies won't produce...?

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I started a small garden in May. I live in Houston, TX, now it's approaching the end of July and I haven't seen one little vegetable growing from my garden? I planted some purple eggplant, okra, bell pepper, etc. (organically) using organic soil, what's wrong and why won't they produce anything?




  1. It sounds like Potassium deficiency. Mix 1:1 paper ash to soil and mix rock salt into the soil at a 1:10 ratio. GOOD LUCK!

  2. Lets hope it's not a result CCD

    News Video

    Colony Collapse Disorder

    In 2006, many colonies were lost in the United States that exhibited unusual symptoms.  The bees in the colonies dwindled rapidly so that there were few bees left, and no dead bees around the hives.

    The Apiary Inspectors of America (AIA) commissioned a survey to estimate colony loses between September 2007 and 2008

    A total loss of 35.2% of managed honey bee colonies was recorded.

  3. you probably haven't got enough fertilizer or aren't giving it enough water to grow or maybe it isn't getting enough sunlight and they just might be slow growers

  4. This is strange, even if you had the crappiest soil in USA you should still see SOME results. Take a sample of your soil to the garden center they will analyze it for you. You haven't fallen out with your neigbor have you?, it has been known for them to nip round in the night with weedkiller.

  5. Wow this is a strange case!  Houston normally has such ideal growing conditions. You definitely should have seen SOMETHING sprouting by now.

    There are several guesses as to why nothing is growing.

    There is something in your soil that is preventing germination.  Cutworms?  Nematodes?  A fungus?

    Perhaps your soil is lacking vital nutrients?

    If you are using organic seeds the germination rate is lower than for treated seeds, but still I'd expect something to happen in your dirt!

    I'd call your County Extension Office of Harris County and explain to the Master Gardener what is going on.  Volunteers in Houston would be more familiar with Houston's growing problems than I would here in Tucson.

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