
Vegimite. Has anyone tried it?????

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Its famously Australian, yet to give it a go!




  1. Absolutely Love it.

    Best thing in the morning.

    It's the one thing I miss when I am away from home.

    And I wasn't even born in Australia!! :D:D:D

    But yes, please don't mistaken it as something like a chocolate spread (like some people have)... A big mouth full of that is definately NOT a good way to start your Vegemite experience #_#"....

  2. When I tried it i personaly didnt like it, but thats not saying other people dont like it.

    Different strokes for different folks, thats what i always say!

  3. I'm Australian so, of course, I've tried it.  The trick is to use very little, and spread it thinly, as it has a very strong salty taste.  My husband is making himself a vegemite sandwich as I type.  It's best on buttered bread or toast.

  4. MUSTARD FROM h**l!!!!!!!!

    Never eat it!!!

    I once tried it, and I literally VOMITED all over my friend's kitchen floor!

    It's BY FAR the most disgusting thing I've ever eaten.

  5. This is the MOST horrid disgusting stuff on the face of the planet. I swear I tried just a tiny piece and almost puked. A girl from Australia who worked with us brought some in one day. There is also a stronger version called Marmite. This Austalian girl said her reaction to Marmite was the same as mine was to vegemite :)!!

    Don't let that stop you from trying it really have to experience this stuff for yourself!!

    Fermented Yeast. YUM...  NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

    Make sure to only try a tiny piece on a piece of toast, and have a garbage bin nearby in case you get sick, or gag and have to spit it out really fast.

  6. What ,vegamite is a gift from God Him or Herself!

    We are fed the stuff from Birth!

    On toast it is great!But best on fresh white bread.

    You got to take it slow to start.So newcomers,here is how you do it.

    1) take fresh white bread(You don't want any healthy stuff with it)

    2)Spread a generous amount of Margarine spead or butter.

    3)Now spread a small amount of Vegamite.(10 to 20 percent of the amount of butter)

    4) eat and enjoy

    5)If you don't like it,go to your nearest tourist hangout and sell it to an Aussie,make large profit!( We are not hard to find as there  always seem to be more traveling than at home.)

    Vegamite is great on white bread topped with cheeder cheese.

    Also great for cooking,you can use it in a gravy or in stir frys.

    It is a stapple when you have not been well with a stomach bug,You start eating again with Vegamite on toast or with dry crackers and a nice cup of tea.Works everytime(miricle cure)

    Aussie think of it like s*x.While you get it,you don't think much about it,but when its gone the craving starts!

    It is made from the left overs in the process of brewing beer.

    Prisioners also love it as they use it to start fermenting there Prisioner Home Brew.

    Vegamite is owned by Kraft,not by Aussies anymore so the money goes to the States.

    That would have to make you guys happy.

    And you all thought it was boring,black and salty!

    Here are some great links to get you on your way

    Enjoy and don't laugth

  7. I know it's a spread that used in Australia very often, but it's definitely an acquired taste.

    It's very salty and quite bitter

  8. As an Australian,

    I LOVE VEGEMITE.  The use of Vegemite is over exaggerated.  Most people think you smear the whole jar on a piece of bread.  But you are actually only meant to use a little bit.  Vegemite tastes the best on bread (toasted) which isn't brown or wholemeal, (not including the grainy bread) with butter on it (make sure it has melted)!

  9. It's not bad! Especially if you like yeasty-tasting things.

  10. I've never been able to get past the horrible smell!

  11. Vegemite is great, much better than that c**p peanut butter, that IS poison.

  12. It's very good, spread very thinly, on fresh white or wholegrain (not wholemeal) bread or toast with lots of butter.

    I don't eat it everyday but really enjoy it when I feel like eating it. A jar does last a long time, but so does a jar of mustard at my house.

    It's a strong flavour, so like with hot mustard, hot chilli sauce, etc it's best used sparingly.

  13. i have heard something like 1 in 20 people like it

  14. "Too much spoils the flavour".  If you can't see whatever you have spread it on through the Vegemite, you have used far too much.  Scrape about 8 parts in 10 of that off.   I'm not real fond of it myself, takes me months to get through a jar, but i fancy it a little every now and then.

    A smear of Vegemite on a cheese sandwich is OK.  Note -a smear - not a spread.    

    Contains less than 1.4% total sugars so Americans don't like it.

  15. It's pretty much the most disgusting thing in the world. I'd rather run face first into a giant rock than try it again.

  16. haha People just don't know how to eat Vegemite. It's nothing you necessarily SPREAD on. It has to be a very tiny amount since it is really strong. But yes I am a happy little Vegemite!

  17. I live off the stuff, it's great. If you like Marmite from the UK then it's very similar, albeit a little saltier.

    Start off with a very small amount on toast, don't slap it on thick!

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