
Vegitarians? Why made you decide to live this lifestyle?

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I do not enjoy eating meat, my reason is I don't enjoy the taste and texture. I have always been this way. I am trying a to stick by a mostly vegetarian menu. I want to know why others have chosen to eat this way? Also,any information, hints and tips, especially meals my children might like. My children don't seem to like much meat either ( except hot dogs and bologna lol) Of course if they want meat I will provide them with it but I would like us to all eat healthier if possible. Uninformed people seem to think that if my children do not eat meat they will die. I printed out a Vegetarian Food Pyramid to be sure that this doesn't happen.




  1. Actually, I choose a few years back to go from eating meat straight to vegan due to my compassion for animals....and not making sure my protein was high enough, boy was I sick.  So I slowly reintroduced meat back into my system only to have food/poisoning-stomach flu at the pinnacle of my meat eating.  I have made the decision once and for all that I truely feel better as a vegetarian and maybe oneday I will try vegan again with a good cookbook. And your childeren will also be fine as long as they are getting all of their nutrition....vegan, vegetarian, and malnourishment are all pegged together for some awful reason.  Good luck to you and Good for you!

  2. all these reasons

    and no living creature should go through this

  3. Okay...the uniformed people need to be informed that your children won't die...I'm pretty sure...assuming you make sure you give them the right nurtrients.

    I decided on this actually quite a few times...this time it stuck with me. Whenever I would eat meat all I could think of was a poor defenseless animal was killed to make this burger or hot dog. However my family was making it so hard for me to stay with it. Now that I'm 17...nearly an adult and not like tweleve or something I relized I had more control over what I was going to put in my mouth and smart enough to give my mom options for me too.

    Also I hear it's WAY healthier...I read that a vegan diet can actually reverse and prevent heart disease...and I was thinking about going that way when I move out...but we'll see.

    Plus with all the fat that can be in meat...ick.

    Meat just really plain kinda grosses me out.

    I really like animals, they are nice and friendly if you treat them right...why would I want to eat it?

    I read this thing about 30 reasons to be a vegetarian...and it makes quite a few good points. The video with it is a little woah though so here's the pdf

    30 reasons right there!

  4. i feel sorry  for the animall..but i only eat egg if its in a cake already,,.not raw or cooked...

    but i LOVE thesmeell of chicken though :(! but i feell soooooooooo sorry for the animals..but i don't wanna be a VEGAN..cause thats TOO hard! but atleast i try to minimize my meat intake ..unlike others!

  5. i am very against cruelty to animals and dont like the things they do to animals when killing them, it is just wrong. You can buy vegetarian cook books which are really good. vegetarian lasagne is really yum. vegie burgers or lentel and bean burgers are really good too.

  6. 1. animal cruelty reasons

    2. to lose weight fast and keep it off

    3. for a very special someone in my life...

  7. First, it is spelt vegetarian, its okay, we all make typos.

    I went vegetarian for the animals. Later on I found out it was good for the environment and my health too!

  8. Good choice I was a vegatarian for about a year and lost a lot of weight. But I couldn't resist the taste of meat.

  9. I started out just wanting to be more informed of WHERE my food was actually coming from. Since it's going into my body, it's good to know how it got to my plate, right? :) After learning more I knew it was just what I wanted to do. It's good for the animals, the earth, and me and I really haven't been happier since. :)

    For recipes try Seriously a great place to find vegetarian recipes, with lots of feedback from people who've tried them! Not sure what your kids personal tastes are but you are bound to find something they love!

  10. One day I was driving down the road when a compelling thrust in my chest caused me to pull over by the farm I was passing.

    I got out, and the the cows, chickens, horses, and all the other animals started talking to me, and I made a pact never to eat them again

  11. I started looking into and approaching a vegetarian lifestyle back in the late 60's early 70's (long time ago).  To be honest and upfront - I had an eating disorder.  It was a great way to hide it - to refuse and reject foods offered.

    I no longer have that problem - but I also don't ignore that reality.

    To get to the current time - I found out last year in Aug. - Sept. that I have a mild form of epilepsy.  Started taking the medication to correct the problem.  I had been eating mostly vegetarian - but not totally - not close to being a 'strict vegetarian' by any stretch of the imagination.

    The epilepsy med's changed all of that.  A known side effect of taking what I take is that it causes 'stomach upset' (certain foods will indeed set off 'problems').  I started literally living in the bathroom.  

    I started dropping weight - as in close to 60 pounds in about 2 months after a really bad episode where I forgot my med's for several days - and had to get re-leveled out.  Problem was that I still lost it from both ends - till I sat down and read the background on the med's I am on - figured out what was the problem - cut out all animal protein.

    Since then - no problems at all.  Will admit that I have to fight not to lose weight too fast (doctor wants me to lose some more weight - which I think is NUTS because the size that I am now - so that is up for debate if I am going to follow that advice).  It has nothing to do with what and how I am eating - just a known side effect of the medication that I am on.

    I have made it a quest to have all the same dishes that I made before - but just make the needed changes to adapt them to my dietary needs.

    I still have stuffed peppers, spaghetti and 'meatballs', soups, lasagna, grilling outside, desserts, cake, cookies, breads - everything that I had before - just altered it all.  Unless someone really knows that there is no animal products in the dishes that I make - there is little difference except maybe in texture and grease level (grease/too much fat totally sets me off in a very negative way).

    Your children are not going to die if they don't eat meat products.  Talking to and getting help from their doctor is going to be a great help for you and the health of your family.

    My doctor has been a great help to me.

  12. I find the idea of meat grizly and disgusting. I don't like to think that some critter was shot or beheaded and dismembered and bits of them ended up in my food.  

    One vegetarian cookbook that I really like is called "Better than Peanut Butter and Jelly" and it is designed for parents who want to figure out what vegetarian things to feed their kids.  I got it on   I highly recommend the "where's the tuna" salad.

  13. There were a few reasons for me to become a vegetarian and eventually a vegan.I simply like eating fruits and vegetables more than meat.I care about animals enough to inconvenince myself slightly to make sure I eat an entirely vegan diet.The time it takes me to find something to eat is worth saving an animal's life.Also once I started being a vegan I felt much healthier and I don't see any reason to go back to eating meat.

  14. I'm vegan because I care about the animals (it's actually easier to be vegan than people think)

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