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Im just wondering why some vegitarians eat no meat but eat fish and eggs




  1. These people are not vegetarians, they are known correctly as pescetarians even if they claim to be veggie and in my view, this diet make no sense if it is chosen for moral reasons.

  2. guess they think since fish is soft and tender they choose fish and no meat

  3. vegetarians can eat eggs its vegans who cant..........i still eat fish but dont call myself a vegetarian yet because i know a whole of of vegetarians get uberpissed if they heard i say i was .........they call it pescvegetarian but thats not right its some label someone made up but true veggies dont eat fish

  4. When the word "vegetarian" was invented in 1847, eggs were considered vegetarian food.

    Eggs are somewhat debatable because they only become an animal if they are fertile.

    Fish, however, are obviously animals. I don't understand why some people insist on calling themselves "vegetarian" when they eat fish.

    But, what can I do? Sue them all?

  5. i dont believe you are a vegetarian if you eat fish, look up the definition, nothing that was once alive

    some vegetarians get eggs from organic farms, when you dont eat eggs you are a vegan,

  6. Well actually, some one who eats fish and eggs, is not called a Vegitarian, they are called a Pesitarian.

    They have diffrent felling towards fish and eggs.

    Also, most vegitarians eat fish...

    People that don't eat eggs and animal made products, along with animals is called a Vegan.

    Hope this cleared things up!

  7. Some vegetarians eat eggs.

    But NO vegetarian eats fish. Fish is an animal, and vegetarians don't eat animals.

  8. If they eat fish they are not vegatarians, My mum is like that, the only meat she eats is fish on the rare occasion. I think it's 'cause some people refuse to eat meats like bacon and pork ect... Because the animals are bred to be tortured and killed and maybe people just don't see fish been treated as terribly as animals like cows, chickens, pigs ect... With the egg thing I'm pretty sure because of all the chemicals and stuff those eggs won't ever turn into chickens.

  9. Well you can stop wondering. Vegetarians don't eat fish because vegetarians don't eat animal flesh. Vegetarians eat eggs because there are no animals killed in the process as the eggs are unfertilized. Vegetarians don't eat anything that involves the death of the animal.
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