
Vehicle Temporary Import Permit?

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If I obtained a temporary permit of car in the Mexican consulate of Los Angeles, and I already came back from my trip, do I have to take the car and the permit back to the consulate so that they see that I returned with car?




  1. Why not just take the car to the Mexican Border get the permit as  you cross and upon your return just check in with  the Mexican immigration and return the papers they had given you when you entered.

    Really very simple.

  2. Actually , you were supposed to turn it in at the customs office at the border.  You can go talk to the consulate, but they probably will not accept it...I hope they do...but others have had problems with that.  I can see where this could be confusing if you got the permit at the consulate...and they may not have given clear instructions.

  3. To add to the other answer if you do not take care of the matter it will get more problematic.

    The consulate will not likely do anything.

    If you show up at the border after the permit has expired there will be a fine.

    If you attempt to take it or another car you will be denied a permit.

    If you pay a $400.00 fine you can take it or another car in to Mexico.

    This is an issue that is taken quite seriously and is a Federal issue

    rightons answer is good if you like 5 hour lineups at the border

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