
Velvet Revolvers New Singer ?

by Guest59833  |  earlier

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Well as most of you will probably know velvet revolver are looking for a new singer. Who do you think it should be? Some of the rumoured candidates that i have heard of are

Chris Cornell - Audioslave , Soundgarden

Sammy Hagar - Van Halen

Royston Langston - Spacehogs

Lenny Kravitz

Robert Plant - Led Zeppelin

Sebastian Bach - Skid Row

Josh Todd - Buckcherry

Now alot of these are just rumors. Who dso you think it will be and who do you think it should be? I think chris cornell is the best candidate. What about you?




  1. The only one of those i can tell you right now isn't happening is Robert Plant. He might have recorded a track or two with them, but I can guarantee you that won't happen. Chris Cornell is having a pretty sucessfull solo career, which is probably why he won't get baack with Soundgarden. I hate Sammy Hagar with a passion, that's all I'm going to say (not that that has anything to do with if th eband picks him or not, but i doubt that's going to happen either). Lenny kravitz would be kinda cool, he's probably my favorite candidate out of the ones you mentioned. Buckcherry sold out with "Sorry", so i'm not sure about that. Bas supposedly IS working with Slash on a seperate project, but not VR. as for the Spacehog guy, he's probably the most likely cndidate, personally i don'tthink it will be any of the people you mentioned but i fi had to pick out of em i'd definitely say Kravitz.

  2. I think that Chris Cornell would be the best fit

  3. Cornell would be the best choice but it would be kewl if Josh Todd got it

  4. no way robert plant is going to be in it

    he's going to be touring with led zeppelin

    and robert plant is too good for velvet revolver

  5. I have always dreamed of it being Axl Rose, but I know it'll never happen

    and I wish Scott Weiland never left, I hate STP

    So out of your choices I'd want Sebastian Bach, but he hates Slash

    and Sammy Hagar blows

    so... yeah haha

  6. I'm glad that STP is reuniting but, a little sad that Scott Weiland left VR. I also think that Chris Cornell would be an excellent frontman for Velvet Revolver because, he became a little mellow after he went solo and I think he needs to reconnect with his soundgarden-y side. I love Lenny Kravitz and Robert Plant, too. : )

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