I had a dalmatian molly in my 10 G aquarium and when I first had him, he seemed like he had brownish to dark yellowish spots on his body. I moved him into a 45 G with a couple other fish but he died this morning. He was in there for 3 days without any problems whatsoever. I looked at his body and it looked like it had a brownish slime and had those brown spots still. Is this Velvet or Rust, and how do I treat it without medication if possible (I've already spent money trying to lower ammonia and treating fin rot in both tanks via Maracyn Two and now Melafix. I've also used Kordon AmQuel+ for the Ammonia.)Do I have to disinfect my other tank as well? It's hard to tell on a dalmatian molly, but also if unable to be treated without medication, how can I treat it in my 10 G with a snail and a shrimp? Anyone who can answer all of these questions will be picked as the best answer 10 pts. Thank You!