
Venezuela..I need the name of a place where tourist go .?

by  |  earlier

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i also need the name of a historical place and a cultural place.





  1. UUfffuuuuFFFF my Brother! there are a lot! of placess!!

    Caracas (D.F.) (go to Casa de Simon Bolivar) (caracas is rich in simphonical places, art museun, cinemas, theater, etc)

    Coro (Falcon State)

    Urumaco (Falcon State)

    Isla de Sancarlos (Zulia State)

    Maracaibo (Zulia State)

    Mérida (it's a beautiful place and very historical)

    Valencia (Carabobo State)

    I live in Maracaibo.

  2. angel falls

  3. Of the top of my head:

    A historical place: la catedral de Caracas, La casa del libertador, la plaza Bolívar de caracas...

    Cultural place: the town of Yare, the village of Chuao, la estancia, el museo de bellas artes...

  4. In Caracas we have the house of Simon Bolivar. A lot of people go there to to see where he lived, the clothes they would wear, the small beds they had, etc. I don't know if the place is still open today because of everything that is going, but it is very historical and interesting. I really don't remember the name of the place, but look it up. Hope this helps.

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