
Venezuela hamburgers???

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in venzeuela do the people have anything anginst hamburgers or french fries or any food from fast food in america




  1. why? are you planning to open a restaurant here? ask Mc Donald´s people, they are busy everyday though

  2. We don't have anything against it, but we prefer our arepas and empanadas instead ; )

  3. You have to make a distinction between the people of Venezuela (heroes to me as they have to put up against Chavez and his madness!) and Hugo Chavez, he hates americans but he is not your standard venezuelan so please dont judge venezuelans according to Chavez' standards!!! Venezuelans do no that fast food, french fries or hamburgers.

    FYI, hamburgers were invented in Germany, French fries in Belgium, pizza in Italy so I dont consider them to be american food!!!!!!

  4. It's not that they have something about burgers....or french fries....but the fact that if you visit the U.S. they have the belief that those are the only foods that you eat...therefore making you fat.....which is kinda true....because you don't eat much of that....we' least where I'm from....

  5. We love hamburger and french fries!!

    In Caracas you can find many McDonald's, Burger king's, Wendy's, Friday's, tony Roma's, subway, KFC, Pizza Hut, Papa Jones, Domino's and there used to be a Little Cesar's. You name it, we've got it.

    We love this type of food so much you can find hot dog vender's in the street that also make hamburgers. There's one called "The bomba" with has everything: meat, a fried egg, ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard, BBQ sauce, garlic sauce, etc. (I can's remember what else it has)

    The thing is... we have a very Americanized culture and Chavez hates that.

  6. I'm with Alej I think the venezuelans could teach the world about about how to do fast food.

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